what would have been...

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So I last updated this in April, 2018 saying that I would come back and finish this story, but I think we all know that that's not going to happen.

I last updated an actual chapter 2 years ago in June, 2017, and I just wanted to send a quick thank you to the people who are still reading this story and those who are possibly still waiting for the end of it.

I really just... Lost my passion for writing on here a long while ago, but that's okay because we all move on and I will never forget the friends I have made on this site, the ones I am still friends and especially -poisoned because I just love Kay so dearly, she really is my best friend and I don't tell her I love her enough.

Enough with my ramblings though, I thought I'd just share where I was intending the story to go:

Luke and Ashton weren't going to get back together.

They were going to make amends, become friends, but they weren't going to get together. 

In my mind, Ashton was going to wind up happy and in love with Connor for a long while, and Luke was going to end up okay with that - even if he still envied their relationship, in the last couple of chapters he was just going to end up feeling purely happy for the two of them.

Luke would have gotten help, probably from a therapist, and become okay with where his life had taken him. Even with all of his upcoming success, I image he would have taken a break to try to sort everything out (though it wouldn't be enough time - it never would be).

I really hadn't thought anything else, apart from that.

Sometimes I toyed with the idea of a second book, if there was enough positive feedback for another, where something would happen to Connor (of course - something like a car crash, some type of death because I could never imagine him and Ashton breaking up unless it was something huge), and maybe Ashton would find a happy life with Luke after feeling guilty for still loving him, guilty because he kept wondering about what Connor would think.

I think in the end, perhaps the last chapter of both of the books, whether you imagine him to be with Connor, content to leave the story there, or to image a second book of hurt and healing where he ends up with Luke, that Ashton would take a deep breath, think things over, and finally find himself at peace in his life - with where he went.

I've really been considering on doing this little "here's what could have happened..." for far too long now, but my tumblr blog is about to surpass my goal following and so the time finally felt right.

Honestly, I don't really remember much else of what happened in this book, except for a few tid-bits, so if you want to know what happened with any other character or want to know anything else, I might see it when I come online for another stalk in a couple of months.

Thank you for your continued support, I hope you can find comfort in this.

- jordan

(feel free to follow my tumblr 

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