04 | moving

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ashton irwin

Luke Hemmings new song Leaving Tonight is sure to be a smash hit! In this song he describes a broken love and how the person must escape the tainted relationship and blahdy fuckin' blah. The song was all over my newsfeed and Noah had shown me it first thing in the morning and I must admit, it was a decent song and I had cried a lot because I knew it was about us and how when he left he had thought I had played him for all of that time.

How do I know? He had left me several midnight voice messages but I deleted them, all apart from the last one. I don't know why I didn't delete it, but sometimes I still listened to it and just cried. Other times I listened and got angry at how he played the victim and how great his life was, but most of the time when I listened, it was to remember.

As cliché as it was, sometimes it was nice to take a step back and remember everything that had happened in the past.

Whatever, he obviously seemed to be fine with his "best friend" Sebastian, whom, if I remember correctly, went to our high-school and they hated each other. But whatever, I didn't need them! I had people I knew and a few work friends. I had Noah because even though by law we're step-brothers, he's my best friend first. Yet I wasn't sure if I actually had anyone else.

I don't think I could always depend on Noah when in need of something either.

I heard a knock at the front door and opened it, smiling at the person on the other side, "Hey Kate, your key not arrived yet?" She shook her head, her natural blonde hair staying in place somehow and she smiled, stepping inside the house, "Not yet, thank you Ashton." I nodded and we went our separate ways after a small hug.

Since my mum and dad had split when I was a little boy and my dad got full custody of me I had never really had any motherly figures, the only one being Luke's mother but by the time we had met them I was already basically grown up so it was nice having Kate around, and she was fun too. She never took things too seriously unless she needed too and she made my dad happy.

Apparently Noah's dad had been shot a few years back, something gang related. In any casew it made local news headlines, and my dad being my dad thought that it was his duty to help her feel better, and then a year later they went on their first date and became a couple.

Sometimes Noah told me that he still missed his real dad and wished that his dad hadn't gone down the road to doing drugs and trying to scam a gang, but then he was glad at the same time because both of us being an only child meant we never got the whole sibling banter thing, and it was probably the best type of banter because it could lead to something serious but you'd be over it by dinner.

In any case, today was the day that Kate and Noah were officially moving in, that's what dad liked to say anyway. It was as if he hadn't noticed Noah living here for the past couple of months, but it was alright, he was getting the other half of the family that he wanted, and he was only young too.

I was a prom night baby, so my dad was only 18, turning 19 when I was born, yet he was still the best father I could ever of had. I think Noah was more planned than I was but Kate was still 18, and I was only a year older than Noah so the age difference between dad and Kate were barely existent.

Through thick and thin, it would be nice to have a proper family at last.

By the end of the day the excess things that belonged to Kate and Noah had been added in and it defiantly made the place feel more like home. There were now pictures of Noah's baby photos on the wall along side my own and the pitter patter of Kate's, now our, dogs paws on the ground.

Noah wanted a kitten but since Kate knew I was allergic she had gotten a golden Labrador from a friend, apparently I had ruined all of Noah's hopes and dreams but he warmed up to Mars, the dog, pretty fast.

We all sat around the dinning table for dinner, the one that my father and I hardly used because we just used to eat on the couch and watch tv, but Kate was big on family dinners and it was nice to sit around the table and joke around with family, "So Ashton, how's things going with work?"

I looked at my dad and grinned, "I've found a better job at a flower shop that I'm starting working at on Friday, I've already resigned and all that." My father grinned at that too, he knew how I disliked working at KFC, but when you need a source of income, you go for the first job available. The rest of the dinner was about how Noah had recently graduated and gotten the scholarship that he wanted, along with random flower facts from me.

I knew a lot because when I used to go on dates with Luke, I would always take a flower and tell him the meaning of it and things like that. Yet thinking of that lead me to the realisation that I hadn't been on a date in a while, so when Noah and I were washing up and decided to ask for his help, "Hey Noah... You think you can like... Set me up on a date?"

He stopped drying the plate as his bored expression turned into a grin as he let out a small, "boo-yeah! I'll give you details when I get it sorted!" I nodded gratefully and thanked him before continuing with the dishes, him doing the same but he was quieter and I could only guess he was thinking of someone to set me up with and I had no clue he had so many friends when later that night he showed me eight dates I was set to go on within the next couple of weeks, yet I knew all of these people and could only hope Noah hadn't forced the person to go on a date with me, like he had the last time he set me up, yet he claimed not to so it was settled and I looked down at the first name and read Noah's messy hand writing,

Connor Xavier, 6:30 pm, Friday at that fancy ass place with the red walls... At Luigi's! It was Luigi's pizza place.

"Thanks buddy."


I updated because I got bored, but for everyone that starts school I wish you luck! But for the people like me, we don't start for like another month aha.

Sorry for the spam but it's for a good cause oops.

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