Unit Ghost

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A month after Astoria and Nyx had been released from the hospital...

"What do you mean you can't stay?!" Astoria exclaimed loudly in her room to her sister. Nyx winced a bit and shushed her.

"Shh!" Nyx said, "Astoria, I'm a Rogue Jedi! I can't stay with the Order; it's not my thing!"

"Y-You can't leave me! Not again!" Astoria cried.

Nyx sighed and gently pulled Astoria into a hug. "I will be fine.. You will be fine.. Just calm down.."

After a moment, the two pulled apart from their embrace.

"Why can't you stay?" Astoria asked, "You can do your own thing.. You don't have to do anything for the Order.. Just please stay here.."

Nyx shook her head a bit. "I can't.."

Astoria frowned and looked down to the floor. Nyx frowned, too. She didn't mean to upset Astoria. Then, she had an idea.

"Ya know.." Nyx began, "Maybe you could just come with me."

Astoria looked up in shock. "What?" She said.

"Yeah! Just come with me!" Nyx said, "You've told me before you feel trapped here, now's your chance to be free!"

"I.. I don't know.. I never meant I wanted to leave."

"Aw, come on! We could have so much fun!"

"I.. I'll have to think about it.." Astoria said hesitantly.

Soon after, there was a light knock at Astoria's door and she turned and went to open it. Ezra stood in the doorway.

He explained that he heard Astoria shout and wanted to check on her. She explained she was fine and that Nyx had just said something that annoyed her for a second.

Ezra wasn't convinced, but at the moment he didn't argue. He knew he could just ask later if he felt the need to, and that's exactly what he did later that night.

By then, Astoria had actually thought through Nyx's proposal. She actually wasn't against the idea. When Ezra asked her what really happened, Astoria explained exactly what Nyx said and exactly what she thought of it. Ezra was shocked and nearly had the same reaction Astoria did when she first heard the idea.

"We wouldn't be gone forever," Astoria insisted to Ezra, "Of course we would see each other still, and I'm sure we'd run into each other in battles."

"You can't leave us!" Ezra said, "You can't leave me.."

"Then just come with us! Bring Kanan, too!" Astoria said, "Just imagine it: Four young Jedi assisting in an intergalactic war! We could be our own Unit for once! You and Kanan talk about wanting your own Unit all the time, well this is your chance!"

"We can't abandon the Order!" Ezra said.

"What Order?!" Astoria argued, "Most of the Jedi from other planets are dead or missing! We don't even know where Master Yoda is anymore! The production of Clones has shut down and we're left with the only few who haven't perished yet! Hell, we don't even live at the notorious Jedi Temple anymore! This isn't a Jedi Order, this is a large group of people who are slowly being killed off!"

Ezra stayed silent, not knowing how to respond anymore. After a long moment of silence, Ezra sat down on the edge of Astoria's bed and sighed.

"You do have a point.." He finally said, "I guess the Order really isn't here anymore..."

"Exactly.." Astoria said, "We've been reduced to Rebels at this point, Ezra. Rebels aren't meant to stay in massive, noticeable groups, especially since we can use the Force. We should just start a new Unit with my sister."

"But who would train us?" Ezra further questioned.

"Nyx! She's been a Jedi for longer than we have."

"Okay.." Ezra said, "I.. I'm in."

Narrator POV
Ezra, Astoria and Nyx all agreed to begin a new Rebel Unit. Soon the following day, they convinced Kanan to go along with them; even Hera agreed to join them. Now came the hardest part... convincing their Masters - or in Hera and Nyx's cases, friends' - to allow this to happen.

Of course, at first, Obi-Wan, Anakin and Ahsoka were all quite upset about the idea. They didn't want to have to part with their Padawans, their friends. But soon, Nyx helped to convince them it would be for the better. Once they had all agreed, they began to say their goodbyes to the Padawans, the Rogue and the Rebel. That same night, the group of five left and claimed a Rebel base for their own.

Within a couple of weeks, The Ghosts - the name they gave their new Rebel Unit - had already recruited over 60 people for the Empire's newest threat. Nyx and Hera had both expressed how surprised they were to find so many people so quickly.

Once the number of rebels settled to a halt, The group of five established a rank of command. The overall General of the group would be Kanan, being that he was the oldest at 18 years old of the founding group. Hera and Nyx were established as Generals. Hera was the air force General, while Nyx was the ground weaponry General. Finally, Ezra was Captain under Hera, while Astoria was the same for her sister. Of course, eventually they planned to have more in-depth branches, but at the moment they didn't need anything else.

The first week that the five younger Rebels were gone was strange. Ahsoka always awoke expecting to find Ezra already bubbling with excitement in the cafeteria, or in the hallway with his brother or girlfriend. Anakin always expected to find Kanan either flirting with Hera, talking to his brother or training. And Obi-Wan always expected the days to be rollercoasters with Astoria's mood swings, or for them to be exciting and happy.

That wasn't to say that they were all of a sudden unhappy. In fact, the three Jedi Masters were still their same old selves, but they did already dearly miss their Padawans, their friends. They knew they would all eventually meet in a battle, but it was upsetting to know the war with the Empire had torn them apart despite knowing it was necessary in order to have more Rebels involved in the war against the Empire.

-[I am so sorry for such a long wait for this chapter! I've just been so busy with school, homework and other activities! I will try my best to get the next chapter out much sooner this time! Hope you enjoyed; bye!]-

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