Just In Time

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A ship descended from the sky right above them. Anakin, Ahsoka, and Obi-Wan were all very dehydrated, injured, and tired. Honestly, it was a miracle that they were still alive. Though Anakin and Obi-Wan knew that, if the medics that were hopefully on that ship didn't hurry, Ahsoka would be lost.

The ship landed in front of them and almost immediately medics came rushing out of the ship with water, medicine, transport beds, bandages, and anything else that they may have needed.

"Get her first, she's fading fast!" One of the medics commanded. Hearing those words spoken about Ahsoka frightened Anakin much more than even he himself had expected.

"Yes sir!" Another responded as he, and another medic, took Ahsoka from Anakin's arms and laid her on a transport bed, giving her water and medicine to take as they wrapped bandages on her arms, legs, sides, head, and torso, trying to stop the bleeding.

"General Kenobi," One medic said, "Are you able to walk, sir?"

"Yes, I can walk," He told the medic, "Though I'm extremely dizzy. Anakin can't walk though; his ankle was broken in our crash."

The medic sent two more men over to help Anakin get up and walk to a transport bed. Once he sat down, one medic started to wrap his ankle with bandages, while the other was wrapping bandages around his left side- a place he didn't even realize he was bleeding. Once the medic wrapping his side finished, he wrapped Anakin's left arm as well.

How was Obi-Wan so lucky to get out of that crash with barely any injuries? Anakin thought.

"General Skywalker, drink this water and take this pill please," One of the men helping him said.

"What's the pill for?" Anakin asked, hesitantly taking it from the medic.

"It'll help with the swelling and pain in your ankle, sir."

"Alright.." Anakin took the pill and drank the entire bottle of water he was given. He looked over at Obi-Wan. He was drinking water as well, and he had a sling on his right arm- it was broken. How had Anakin not noticed before? A broken arm shouldn't be very hard to notice.

Anakin then looked over to Ahsoka. She had bandages everywhere and she had a medic holding her up so she could drink water. Another medic was checking her vitals, which were all dangerously low.

"We have to leave now, sir, or we may lose her!" A medic said to the doctor.

"Ok, get them all in the ship then!" The doctor commanded. They pushed Ahsoka's and Anakin's beds into the ship while Obi-Wan walked carefully into the ship, still dizzy from dehydration.

"Sir, her heart is beating faintly, but she isn't breathing!" A medic exclaimed.

"Get that breathing mask on her then," The doctor ordered. The medic did just that, and slowly, Ahsoka began to breathe again as her heart and breathing rate went up a little more, but were still low.

Anakin hated seeing her like this. He couldn't bare it. Seeing her in such an awful condition hurt him more than his own injuries.

Obi-Wan must've sensed Anakin's desperate sadness through the Force, because he said, "Anakin, she'll be alright.. she's tough."

I hope you're right, Master.. Anakin thought.

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