Chapter 1

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  Quite a bit of things in this story is based off of the Containment Breach game, but not all of it is. Any feedback is appreciated- And thank you to anybody who takes the time to read this!

(Also, neutral pronouns are used so that everyone can insert themselves easier)


[1 — Amnesia]

   Sweat soaked nearly every part of me, my orange, just-fitting jumpsuit clinging to my back. A nervous fit racked my lungs as I was guided into a chamber, having just exited the elevator. The guards, whom were placed with one in front of me and one behind, only continued to push me forward, not having a single care for the fear-struck person they were forcing along.

   I hadn't a clue why I was there, or how, or anything of the sort. I couldn't stand it. Questions prowled through my mind at seemingly no end. Why was I in a prison suit? Why couldn't I remember anything beyond waking up in some dinky cot? Where was I being led? Why?

   A corner passed, another hallway greeting me. The only new thing was there was a large, solid gate that stood well above the three of us, it being clamped shut. It was obvious they were made of a metal, though I wasn't entirely sure which kind.

   With chains around my wrists, the guard in front of me threw a glance at me before coming to an abrupt stop. Where he had done so was at the pad that belonged to the gate, and I swallowed a lump in my throat as I watched as he slipped out a key-card and held it to the scanner. Earning a beep of confirmation from the device, a loud whirring of the gates followed whilst they gradually parted. From there, I was able to tell that they were rather thick, being about a good six inches or so.

   Before it even completely opened, the armoured man in front of me started to move forward once more. I was commanded to follow in suit with a simple shove with the tail of the gun belonging to the guard behind me. I only cooperated with a bit of a stumble, entering the room.

   It was about two feet wider than the large gates, though it didn't span much farther out from them vertically. Inside of it were a man and a woman in white coats. The latter had been in a seat over a table cluttered with trinkets and papers, while the man was focused on writing something on a paper attached to a clipboard.

   Beyond the room was yet another, being roughly the same size, though it definitely appeared to be more of a cell than anything else. How I was able to tell without being directly in that room was due to a long pane of glass on the left side— just over the desk— allowing anybody to see a majority of the room all at once. To the left of the window was a steel door on the wall that gave access to the room. It, too, was guarded with a key-card required pad.

   And, well, speaking of being able to see things in that room, there was one specific feature in there that I didn't enjoy seeing.

   On the scrawny bed that was pushing into the left northern corner was a dark mass that was accompanied by a contrasting white mask that resembled a bird's face. Currently, they weren't facing me, as rather, they were staring at the wall opposite the foot of the bed. Despite that, I could tell they were listening. Their gloved hands were folded together and on their lap, lower legs awkwardly dangling off the side of the mattress.

   I bit my lip, realising they most likely had something to do with why I was there.

   "Ah, you're here," a masculine voice yanked my attention. I snapped my eyes over to the man with the clipboard. There was no 'maybe' when it came to the idea of the wrinkled smile on his face being forced. "Er... I'm Dr. Juarez. Though, I guess that won't matter in a minute, so feel free to forget that."

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