Our Water

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"Wait," Jaei asked the clerk, "You have a chain of stores that sell nothing but cabbages?"

"Yep," he replied.

"And it all came from this one little cabbage stand?"


"Hold up," Shen asked, "Why is the motto "MY CABBAGES!!"?"

"Well, that's a funny story," the man started, but just then a police officer ran in. "THEIF!" he screamed, pointing at Amber. Honestly, of the four of us, she was the least likely to break a law.

"What? No!" Amber said.

"It's her," a little kid said. "I saw her with the dark hair, Daddy."

"You'll need to come with me! All of you!"

"Why?" Jaei asked.

"I am your boss! You don't ask questions!"

"Please, Sir," I said, using Mother's lessons for once, "My name is Akemi Sato. I'm sure you could ask one of my mothers, we'd never -"

"I don't fucking care who your moms are! Asami's a bitchy Daddy's girl and Korra's a screw-up!"

My vision turned red. I felt my friends tense up too. The little kid squeaked and ran off. The officer looked scared.

I took one step before propelling myself into the air, spinning as I brought my foot down on his face. Quite simple, yet efficient enough to buy my friends and I some time to run.

As we darted down the streets, I saw a girl look at us through the crowd. As we passed her, she joined us in running.

"Those idiots trying to arrest you for something you didn't do?"

"Yeah," Shen replied, out of breath.

This girl must've spent a lot of time running, though, because she wasn't talking any different from what she probably sounded like on a normal basis. "I know a place. Follow me."

"How do I know we trust you?"

"Either one kid against four, or one kid against a bitch trying to get his monthly quota."

"Fair enough," Amber said.

We followed the tan girl into an alley and through a door. She closed and locked it, and the four of us caught our breath while she began to light the room up. It was small, but she only had candles, so it was pretty bright. There was a rolled-up mat on the floor in one corner and some food in another. I saw a spare outfit of clean clothes folded on her small table. Other than that, it was empty.

"Thank you," I said as soon as the people had passed.

"What was it this time?"

"They tried to say my girlfriend stole something," Shen said, wrapping an arm around Amber.

"Nah, you I'd expect to be a thief the least," the girl said.

"What's your name?" Jaei asked.



"Do.. do you live here?" Amber asked quietly.

"Yeah. Ever since my aunt died, it's just been me."

"I know someone who could help you out," I blurted.

Jaeimien rolled her eyes. "Yeah, and they'll listen to you? Nobody listens to kids."

"You know who Asami and Korra Sato are?"


"Hi. I'm Akemi Sato."

Her eyebrows shot up. "Yeah, right."

"I'm Amber Beifong."

"Well, this means nothing to you, but I'm Jaei Ling."

Jaeimien jumped over her low table and onto him, pinning him into the ground and holding a knife to his throat.

"What the hell?" I asked.

"You're a Ling?"

"Uh." Jaei gulped. "Yes."

"Don't believe it. Who told you that name?"

"M-my - I am -"

She pressed the knife closer so it was against his skin. "Tell the truth."

"I'm a Ling -" he was cut off by her blade, which had broken skin. A bead of red blood was on his throat.

I grabbed her by the neck and threw her off of him. "Stay away from him!" I yelled.

"No! He's lying!"

"What?" I asked. "What is so wrong with that fucking name?"

She scowled.

"Drop the knife," Shen ordered.

"Hey, I wasn't -"

"Bitch, please. I grew up in Republic City streets. Don't pull any of that shit."

Jaeimien scowled, but complied.

"What's wrong with me?" Jaei asked, standing a good bit away from her.

"Ling was my aunt's last name. She said she had a nephew and sister-in-law, but they died in a war."

Jaei looked like he was about to pass out. "Was her name Ji?"

"Yeah." She scowled again.

"And that's why my name is Jaei, take out the middle letters and you have Aunt Ji. And our names match. And Mom always said my twin sister was a surprise."

I remember him telling me all of this. I also remember how his dad and sister were killed in a raid on their village.

"You're my twin?"

"I.. think so. Maybe."

Jaeimien nodded. "You.. we look like each other."

"Are you a bender?" Shen blurted.

"Um." Jaeimien blinked. "Water."

"Well, now we have to take her in," Shen said. "She's his sister and a Waterbender."

And that is how we ended up with Jaeimien.

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