Throwing Knife

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"Close the door."

He did, leaving Shen and I rolling on the ground laughing.

"I can't believe how scared you got him!" she cried. Yeah, we were both crying.

After a good ten or so minutes, I sat up and lay down on the couch. "I feel bad," she confessed from the floor.


"We left my brothers and sister there alone."


I didn't even think about that. Adrenaline took over and I kinda just went, I need a companion so I'll go get Shen! Didn't even think about the others. I suck.

"They're not alone, they've got each other." Was I convincing myself or her?

"But you know how things work. Wu is always at work or asleep. You're always at school or watching Myuki and Jai if they're not at school. Who's gonna watch them now?"

"Jai?" I asked.

"He's five."

"Oh." I rolled over to look at her. "You don't have to come. You can go home to them."

 Shen sighed. "I just can't let you do this alone."

"I can do it."

"Even the Doctor needs his Ponds. You can't."

[Doctor Who reference. Sorry I couldn't resist!]

I sighed. "Alright."


After mapping out our journey, mostly by train, we ate some seal jerky and played Pai Shao. After a few rounds, we just started talking about nothing at all. Then we played Truth or Dare. Then she fell asleep and I read a brochure on places to go, getting some useful information and tucking it into my bag. Then I ate some dumplings.

"Wow. I never expected our journey to be this boring," I admitted when Shen woke up.

"Me neither."

"At least we don't have someone trying to kill us."

A knife flew through the open window and pierced the wall, hitting the dot on the i in First Class Compartment 10.

"Dammit, Akemi, what kind of luck you got there?"

"If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all," I replied, distracted. I pulled the knife from the poster with a single, powerful movement of my arm. It had words engraved on it.

"What's so particular about that knife?" Shen asked, not moving from her comfy chair.

"It has letters. A, A, K, S."


"I hope so. Because if not..."

"If not?"

"Akemi, Asami, Korra, Sato. Someone's looking for us." I flipped the knife over and read the inscription. "One week. Ember Island. Sunset."

Shen looked at the map. "We're going the wrong way."

"Well, duh."

"So now what?"

"We turn this goddamn train around."

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