Chapter 02 | Even

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Heyo, here's the second chapter where you get to see Mai and Miho have an actual interaction. I really wish this pairing had more fanfiction. God it's lonely writing Glamourshipping, but it is a pairing that I will fucking die by. Also, fun fact - I can write gay men fucking handy enough, even if one is trans. I can write straight people fucking even if one is trans. I cannot write lesbians fucking even if one is trans, or I get dysphoric. Fun times! Anyway, please review and enjoy! From now on this story will be updated on Tuesdays.

CW: Homophobia, racism, blood, knife/dagger, attack, sex

Mai stood at the door of Catmosphere with the straps of her handbag clenched tight between her fingers

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Mai stood at the door of Catmosphere with the straps of her handbag clenched tight between her fingers. Was she overdressed for a coffee date? Underdressed? Was it even a date?

Her eyes flickered to the window. The sky was grey and cloudy, and it made it easy to see her reflection. A crop top and shirt - both purple and white plaid - and black thigh-high boots. She had styled her hair a bit, curling it so it spilled down her shoulders. And maybe her make-up was a bit much, with the whole dark lipstick and eyeshadow during the day and- oh, fuck, she looked like she was going out to get wasted and not go home until morning with the smell of someone else's perfume on her.


She huffed and glanced inside. It was five to twelve. Miho was probably already there. She didn't have time to go back and change.

Mai took a slow breath and pushed open the door. Fuck it.

The café was small and brightly lit with numerous cat toys scattered about and a few cats wandering around. Miho was at the back of the room in a booth, scratching a small tortoiseshell under the chin.

She looked up with a smile as Mai approached. "Good morning."

"Morning." Mai couldn't help but return the smile.

"Did you find it okay?" Miho shifted over to give Mai enough room. The skirt of her yellow dress dragged on the pleather seat.

"Yeah, it's not too far from my place." Mai dropped down beside Miho and adjusted her own skirt. "And who's this little guy?"

The kitten was pawing at the purple blouse beneath Miho's dress, but she only smiled at it. "This-" She carefully picked the kitten up and placed her in Mai's lap. "-is Tiger."

Mai's smile grew and she tickled behind Tiger's ears. Tiger mewled and arched up into her touch. "Aww, she's such a cutie," Mai cooed.

"She is," Miho giggled, but she was looking at Mai and not the cat. She adjusted her hijab - a yellow one with white daisy outlines. "What do you want to eat?"

Mai used her free hand to flip open the menu while managing to keep petting Tiger and she chatted to Miho as she scanned it. They both ended up just ordering a warm drink and a piece of chocolate cake to share - a latte for Mai and a hot chocolate for Miho.

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