~ mar 24 ~

54 2 0

i was becoming aware of my surroundings. i heard beeping of my heart monitor and i felt wires that were hooked up to me. someone was holding my hand as they slept on the side of my bed. was it morning? i felt the person move and heard them yawn.
"good morning y/n..." it was daniel. he was the one by my side.
"i hope you wake up soon. i miss you. i'm so glad that you're okay. i haven't let go of your hand since i was able to visit you." he adds on.
"please wake up?" he begs. he waited for a few minutes and then he sighed and laid his head back down onto the bed. i could hear him crying. he's probably putting on a show. he doesn't actually care for me.
"why can't you just wake up?" he cried. he sniffles and cries a little more.
"why did you have to do that? why did you do that to yourself?" his voice breaks.
"i have no idea if i'll be able to do this ever again.. but.." i felt his soft lips plant a kiss on my broken and scarred lips. there was a knock at the door.
"corbyn?" daniel says.
"someone's asking where you've been all day." corbyn says.
"so you're cheating on me?" a girls voice says.
"valerie it's not what it looks like, i promise." daniel begs.
"then what is it? tell me!!" i could tell valerie was upset.
"val-" daniel stands up.
i squeeze his hand with all the energy and strength that i have. it was a weak squeeze, but i needed to let him know i was fine.
"wait." daniel stops in his tracks and turns back to me.
"y/n just squeezed my hand. she's okay, corbyn she's okay!!" i felt his tears dripping onto my neck as he leaned laud his head on my chest and sniffled.
"y/n, you're okay." he laughs.
"okay, clearly i mean nothing to you, goodbye seavey!" valerie yells.
her footsteps storm out of my hospital room and receded down the hallway followed by an angered scream. corbyns footsteps approached daniel and i. i opened my eyes slightly and saw corbyn place his hand on daniel's shoulder. then they both look at me.
"y/n!" they both said in unison. i was too weak to move over 40 muscles just to smile. instead i just blink. daniel places his hand on my head.
"i'm just glad that you're okay." his tears continue to fall onto me.
"daniel, we should give her some space. we have to go back home. we should both crack open some beers for the big release party tonight." corbyn laughs.
"corbyn, you can go. i'm sorry i'm gonna have to miss this one." daniel says sincerely.
"you sure? it's the big release... album number 2? you don't wanna celebrate tonight?" corbyn asks. he looked broken and shocked.
"corbs, bro i'm sorry." daniel says. he squeezed my hand a little tighter.
"i cant leave y/n." daniel breathes out. corbyn nods.
"alright. i'll just go then." corbyn says and then walks away. he was broken i knew he was. i gather up enough strength to take my hand away from daniel's.
"what's wrong?" he asks. i weakly shake my head and point to the door, not feeling the tears falling. daniel wipes my tears away.
"no no no, don't cry, i don't wanna see you cry. and no i'm not gonna leave you. i wanna stay by your side as you get better." he smiles.
i close my eyes again, wanting to rest up.
"y/n-" he says my name and sits uptight. i open my eyes and nod. he sighs of relief.
"you getting some rest?" he asks. i nod again. he smiles and then i close my eyes.

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