~ mar 22 ~

107 3 0

*anything that happens from now on, it's present day*

"uhh y/n? hello?" my friend, jamie, waves her hand in front of my face.
"huh?" i snap out of my flashbacks.
"you good? what's wrong?" she asks.
"oh, uh, yeah, i'm fine, thanks." i tell her.
"it looks like it'll rain since it's cloudy and i hear thunder." she explains.
"sorry, i was just-" i got cut off.
"excuse me? do you know where the college choir class is held?" a young man asks me. he looked about his very early 20s, has ashy blonde hair, blue eyes, and the most gorgeous smile i've ever seen.
"uh i could walk you over there if you want me to? i got that class first." i advise him.
"thank you so much! you're amazing." he smiles and thanks me.
"i gotta get back to the dorm y/n, i'll catch you around 10-ish for the next class." jamie speeds off.
"y/n? that's a pretty name." the man says.
"well, i guess. i don't really like it that much. but thanks!" i smile.
"no problem, i'm daniel seavey, nice to meet you." he holds out his hand for me to shake it.
"y/n y/l/n." i smile as i shake his hand.
"so mr. seavey, whats your major?" i ask as i walk him to the choir class.
"music, i feel like it's never too late to get a college degree even if you're an international sensation." he smirks.
"you bragging?" i scoff playfully.
"no, just grateful for our album going gold in 3 countries and going all over the world every single day." he looks at me. i stop walking.
"if this is your way of trying to get me to go out with you, i'm not a gold digger nor am i in it for fame, i wanna try to grow myself in fame. i'm sorry." i make myself clear.
"thats good news that you're not a gold digger." he blushes and looks down as he bites his lower lip.
"seavey? are you blushing?" i smile at him.
"well maybe" he looks at his shoes and then at me, "but you're smile had the brightest shine in the universe."
"okay well, um, we're gonna be late to class if we don't keep walking so..." i nudge him lightly to follow me. we walked to the class and we enter.
"this is my spot. you can sit by me since i don't really have a partner for the duet we're working on..." i shrug. he sets his bag down by the table and sits next to me.
"is this class?" he asks.
"no it's my room, yes it's class dummy." i tease him.
soon after our little quarrel the teacher walks in.
"ari??" daniel says surprised.
"yep that's our teacher. you know mr. leff?" i asked daniel.
"do i know him? of course i do! we made a song together!!" he exclaims.
"good morning class." mr. leff says. he catches a glimpse at daniel.
"seavey?!" he says.
"leff!!" he says. daniel runs to ari and does a handshake with him.
"i missed you man." daniel smiles ear to hear. holy fuck his smile kills me. that little tooth gap. so adorable!
"so did i, it's good to have you in class!" mr. leff sits down in his chair.
"can't believe you know him." i say to daniel.
"yeah he's pretty awesome!" daniel says.
"okay well we gotta do this duet thing for class and it's due by next thursday." i explain.
"mhmm..." i look to see daniel sitting on his phone and texting. i didn't wanna invade his privacy but i see him texting this girl named "valerie".
"daniel..." i say one more time. he looks up at me and he puts his phone in his pocket.
"right, the song. what do you want it to be about?" he asks.
"well i was thinking maybe a love song? but i'm not sure." i say taking out my notebook and pen.
"woah there, you're not about to use a pen to write lyrics are you?" daniel asks shocked.
"yes i am. why? does it bother you?" i ask snotty, but not meaning to be snotty.
"geez you don't have to be so rude..." he sits back in his chair, pulls out his phone, and starts texting that valerie girl again.
he smiles and bites his lip. i try to ignore him and put my focus on the writing. then he laughs through his nose again. i look at him.
"who's valerie??" i butt my head into his business.
"my girlfriend, why do you care?" he looks at me then back at his phone. i was getting a little heated, but i calmed myself down. after all, i promised myself i wasn't gonna fall for another one. an hour goes by and the bell rings.
"don't forget, your duets are due next week on thursday. have a great weekend." mr. leff dismisses us.
i walk down to the piano to do my daily calm down since sometimes i get stressed when writing new lyrics. mr. leff walks up to me.
"whatcha playing today?" he asks.
"not much, just wanted to play whatever comes to mind." i say. i place my fingers on the keys and start pressing them down softly. one chord at a time, a beautiful ballad starts flowing out of me. a calming and soothing rhythm. i close my eyes and start to feel the melody. it just keeps flowing while the soft chords fill the room up with sorrow and joy. i stop playing and open my eyes. i look at mr. leff and wait for his critique.
"maybe you could try adding left hand in a bit more? and one of your chords were off." he suggests. i nod.
"that was beautiful." mr. leff and i turn around to see daniel standing a few feet away from us in awe. i turn back and try to figure out the chords.
"ari could i give us a minute?" daniel says. mr. leff nods and leaves the room, shutting the door behind him. i continue playing chords.
"y/n, look, i'm sorry i upset you today, i didn't mean to." he says. i ignore him and continue playing my tune. i kept missing this stupid chord that i thought i'd been playing right the whole time.
"lemme show you something..." daniel stands behind me and takes my hands to position them on the piano.
"like this. now try." he explains to me. i play the chords. he fixed it. daniel sits beside me on the piano bench and starts playing a few more chords as i play mine. i stop playing and get up to grab my stuff.
"y/n..." he stands up after me.
"y/n!" i put my bag on my shoulder and walk towards the door.
"y/n wait!" daniel catches up to me and stops me.
"you wanna come to my party tonight? please?" he started at me, waiting for my response. i don't respond and walk out of the classroom.
"y/n!" daniel says after me. i walk into my dorm room and plop myself on my bed.
"y/n? what's wrong?" jamie asks me. i shove my face into a pillow and scream then start crying.
"y/n, it's okay, you're safe." jamie tries to calm me down. how am i supposed to calm down with the memories haunting me from what happened to me. she turns me around and i start to push her away.
"NO JAMIE GO! I DONT WANNA TALK TO YOU RIGHT NOW! STOP! GO! GO!!" i scream and yell. this anxiety attack was getting bad. i grabbed whatever sharp object was nearest and started hurting my arm with it.
"Y/N STOP!!" jamie yanks the object out of my hand and then starts caring for my arm. she cleans the wound and puts cotton on it before bandaging it up with gauze.
"y/n please don't do this to yourself, i don't like watching people get hurt." jamie starts tearing up. i lay my head down and end up skipping the rest of my classes for the day.
i passed out and the next thing i knew when i woke up, it was 7pm.
"y/n? you wanna go to a party tonight? you feeling okay?" jamie was sitting on my bed making sure i was okay. i nod.
"i'm fine." i say. i sit up and yawn.
"okay get dressed, i'll take you there." jamie tells me. i get out of my bed and dress up.
"i'll be in the car." she says.
i tell her 'okay' then i go into the bathroom and stare at my body in the mirror. how could somebody like this? i'm not skinny enough, i'm not pretty enough. why would someone ever like someone like me? i change from my sexy dress and heels into pants, a plain tee, and converse. i walk out to jamie's car and sit in the passenger side.
"woah there, what happened to that sexy fit?" jamie asks shocked.
"i just grew out of it i guess, it felt too tight on me." i lie.
"oh... okay, well if you're comfortable in that i guess it's okay." jamie smiles. she drives us to a mansion. i don't know how she ended up getting invited to this, but she did apparently. jamie parks her car and in the corner of my eye i see daniel making out with a girl in the backyard by the fire pit. must be valerie. he had a red solo cup in his hand which meant he was most likely drunk.
"y/n, you coming or not?" jamie asks. i nod and get out of the car.
"woo! let's get this party started!!" jamie yells. daniel stops making out with valerie and smiles drunkly at her while licking his lips and laughing. he looks at jamie who was standing by me and then his eyes widen. he gets up and stumbles to walk over to me.
"y/n! you made it!" he says. i roll my eyes and walk to the beer keg.
"come on babe." valerie then says under her breath, "that's one less bitch to worry about stealing my man."
"i wanna chug this whole keg." i say.
"uh oh who's down for a CHUG CONTEST? WOO!" the guy yells.
"place your bets ladies and gentlemen, i've don't this a few times in the past and let me just say, i'm undefeated!" i brag.
"not until tonight." valerie walks up to me and the crowd is filled with "oohs".
"bring it on." i stare her down.
"winner gets to sleep with my boyfriend. he's three sheets in the wind. he won't remember a thing. you'll lose anyways." she smiles. i get closer to her face.
"wanna bet bitch?" i say.
"loser has to be the other persons salve." valerie says.
"are we doing this or nah?" i say.
"oh we're doing this." she says.
"you shouldn't have said anything valerie! y/n is gonna kick your ass!" jamie cheers me on alone with others joining her.
"3, 2, 1, CHUG!!" the chug chanting begins. i down half the keg in 15 seconds while valerie is frantically looking at me, spilling most of her full keg. another 15 seconds go by and the keg is empty.
"TIME!! Y/N IS THE WINNER!" i get dubbed the winner. i was drunk.. really drunk.
"valerie stop being such a sore loser, a deals a deal. winner gets to sleep with your boyfriend so guess what, you're gonna deal with that, you guys aren't even dating!" jamie says. she gets daniel and me and puts us upstairs in a far room with a double bed.
"don't make too much noise you two, and use protection!" jamie shuts the door and leaves.
"protection? who needs protection pshhht fuck that." i slur my speech and laugh.
"y/n you're amazing. don't let ANYONE tell you different." daniel says, also with his speech slurred. he lays me down on the bed and we start undressing. once we were fully unclothed, he leaned down to kiss my neck and i gave in. each kiss, tougher than the last. eventually, time passes and then we were out.

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