Chp. 23 - Forgiveness

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"Where do you wanna do this?" I ask.

"Let's go to your room." Cora answers quickly. Too quickly.

"Are you sure? It's a mess there."

"Your room is better. Jane has some friends over."

"If you insist." I shrug.

I struggle with my keys while Cora shifts from one foot to another. I finally manage to open the door and look inside. It is a mess. In fact, I even think that one of my sports bra is thrown on my unmade bed. But, the thing, or better saying, the person, that has got my whole attention is on the middle of the room with his hands behind his back.

Aeson was wearing a dark blue button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up. My traitor's heart gives a somersault. This color looks so good on him, he most know it.

"Hey." He greets serious.

I look back at Cora with a frown. She answers it with an apologetic expression and a shrug.

"I'll leave you guys alone." With that she softly pushes me inside and closes the door getting out.

"We need to talk."

I sigh nodding. "Then let's talk." I take my purse off and put it on my desk.

"I've been texting Cora and she cleared some things out." He takes a step forward, looking intensely to my eyes. "Did you know that when I got back from Florida I thought you were going to be waiting for me at the airport? I hoped for it. I even looked for your face on the crowd."

It takes me so by surprise that I am speechless. So he continues.

"Then you acted so cold at the restaurant. It really hurt me. And when I saw you so close to Leo, I was so jealous. I thought you had gotten bored of me."

"It was not like that." My voice sounds hoarse and I realize I was about to cry.

"I know, I know. Please, let me finish." I swallow my other words. "I know now that it was all my fault and I am sorry. I should have let my intentions clear." He takes one more step closer. "I'm sorry that I didn't realize that a proposal was so important for you."

He takes a single sunflower from his back and I reprimand a sob.

"I should have talked to you about it." I try not to cry.

"It seems that we have this problem with talking." He smiles and gets closer, our feet touching. "I brought you a sunflower, because you are too unique to get roses like every other girl." He extends the flower and I take it with shaking hands, afraid that if I meet his eyes I would just start ugly crying and wouldn't be able to stop.

"When you went away without a word, I thought I had read this between us all wrong. I cut you out not because I don't like you, but because I didn't want to be just a girl to mess out with."

"That's because you shouldn't." I look up at him and he has a smile on his lips. "And I should have done this before. But better late than never, isn't it?" He chuckles and I realized I missed that sound, very much.

He takes a step back and I frown at him. His smile just gets bigger. He turns around and walks to my minibar.

"What are you doing?" I ask amused when he opens it. He indicates for me to wait.

"So, Emilia Anjos, I'm not good with creativity," He hides whatever he took from the minibar behind his back, "but I figured if I got you something that you liked, it could have the same effect." He walks back to where I stand frozen. I smile nervously with no idea of what he has on mind. "And, as you already know, I'm not good with cooking but..."

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