Chp.6 - Earning Some Points (Part II)

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In the court, Leo makes yet another 3 points. He is good, he hadn't lied about that. He even has some fans cheering for him. Even though I'm still a bit mad at him for the motorcycle incident, I scream in victory when his ball goes through the hoop once again. Head is also on his team, and the both of them can carry it whole on their own. With his awesome height, Head gets the ball and throws it to Leo who hits his aim almost every time. The only girl, named Teresa, I discovered, is another amazingly good player but with a temper, and being on the losing, Aeson's, team is definitely not making it any better.

I cover my head with the red hood when shy drops start falling from the angry looking clouds above us. It doesn't stop the action of the game in the slightest, until it seems to get frustrated with the lack of attention and decides to unleash its full force in a sudden downpour.

A group of girls beside me scream, and a guy further away yells for his phone. The majority, though, decides to skip the shouting and go straight to the running-for-cover part.

I find Leo's eyes and he moves his head towards his motorcycle. I put my heavy bag under the hoodie to protect my books and run only a few steps before deciding to turn around and save Aeson's backpack.

When I catch up with Leo running ahead of me, I am already drenched.

"Is it... safe to... drive your bike... on this weather?" I shout to him over gasped breaths. I don't think a lot of people know the struggle of keeping up with the long strides of a basketball player, add wet clothes and a great deal of weight in the form of two bags and you have me using all of my brain cells to run and breath.

"Sure," we stop in front of his motorcycle. I have to lean forward to keep me from falling with Aeson's bag weigh, "it's a small rain."

The sky thunders in defiance. I look apprehensively to the wet street.

"I think I'd rather wait for it to pass."

Aeson gets to us with his drenched grey shirt draped around his neck and light brown hair darkened and sticking to his forehead with the rain. He immediately takes his bag from me nodding his thanks.

"C'mon, man, it's raining knives. My car is close, I can give you a ride and tomorrow we can pick your bike." He offers.

"Just leave my baby here?" Leo asks like he just suggested we kick a puppy.

"It's safer, Leo." I plead.

He sees the fear in my eyes. Having to be again on the back of his motorcycle and in this bad weather, no thank you.

"Okay." He sighs getting his things.

I shift on my feet feeling the weight of my drenched clothes and adjust my bag making sure it is still all covered. Standing here is not a smart move. Aeson thinks the same and gets my hand to push me towards his car.

I hear the splash of Leo's steps as he runs to catch up with us. Once beside me, he purposefully steps on a puddle making the water splash on me.

"Hey!" I complain while making an strategical sligh turn to the right to step on a big puddle. I end up wetting more me than him, and the boys laugh. I flip him the bird just to feel like I've won.

I finally can see Aeson's green car further down the street. Leo and Aeson exchange a knowing glance, a stare language that only the both of them can understand.

"I'll get there first!" Aeson shouts.

In an instant, he releases my hand and bolts even faster towards the car. Leo doesn't waste a second to be on his heels. I try to run faster to get as near them as possible.

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