Chp.7 - Agara Fries

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My eyes water with the effort of suppressing my laughter.

"Why did we choose a comedy if we can't laugh?" I ask moving my mouth the least I can.

We are at Cora's dorm sprawled on the ground doing facials and painting our nails with a dumb comedy as background on the small TV. Jane, Cora's roommate, was a very shy and quiet girl at first but after discovering that we like the same book series and having a passionate talk about it, she laughs openly beside me, her face mask completely cracked.

"This movie is so bad." She comments turning her attention to her light pink nails, her brown slightly red bangs swaying with the movement.

Jane has a beautiful hair, but I have never seen it loose, she knows how to do every kind of braid that is but today she set for a simple ponytail.

"Then why can't you stop laughing?" Cora adds yet another layer of purple nail polish on my nails. It's a color I would not have dared to use before, it is too bold, but now that Cora is finishing her work I think it looks kind of good on me.

"Because it's so bad that you either laugh or cry."

"True." I agree.

"Em, it's your turn to ask Jane."

"Let me think... Okay, I got one. Chris Hemsworth, Tom Holland, and Robert Downey Jr."

Jane grins at me. "Marvel special, I like it. That's an easy one, though. I'd marry Chris, kiss Tom and kill Downey."

"What?!" Cora almost ruins my nails. "Why would you kill my beloved Robert? I would totally marry him."

"I don't want to kill anyone but these are the game rules."

"Cora is the kind of person who would kill Tom." The reproach on my voice makes Cora turn to me ready to attack.

"And you are the kind who would marry him. You like soft guys with boyish faces." I hear the double meaning in her words knowing too well that she didn't mean Tom.

"Yeah he's cute, husband material." My tone is not entirely friendly, and even Jane recoils her green eyes going from one girl to the other.

"And that's okay, but you can tell me if you want him." I don't  like the way she put it out there, saying something but meaning completely another. It feels like she wants to confuse me.

The thing is, I don't know if I can tell her. I'm not sure yet of what I'm feeling, and Cora likes to fantasize, she will get too many ideas and will definitely want to intervene.

"That's great," Jane cuts in, "each one wants to marry a different guy. No fighting then."

I nod gravely to indicate the end of this subject.

"Okay, it's my turn. Em, marry, kiss, kill." I should have seen it coming. After all this time, I should have known Cora wouldn't give up so easily. "Leo Castillo, Aeson Meyer, and the cute guy from Math 205 that I saw you talking to."

"Who? Roger?"

"Dark skinned, piercing eyes, great butt."

"Yeah, that's Roger." Cora nods coaxing me to answer the question. "He is a great guy, but I don't think he likes girls so marry and kiss are not an option." I trail out hoping to find a way to get me out of answering her.

"Then that's a great thing you still have two guys to choose from," she casually leans against the wall like she is not interested, "Leo or Meyer."

"Hm..." What now? Just tell her that I might have feelings for Aeson would be easier, but voicing it out loud somehow feels like it complicates things between me and him. Not that there is something between us, but I know that I would act different around him, specially with Cora right there ready to make some remark that could point toward my little crush. "I would marry..."

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