Chp.6 - Earning Some Points (Part I)

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The weirdest thing happened this week, my parents were the ones that disappeared. All I got out of them was some quick texts. I think my mom is working too much again but I guess she's doing it to keep her mind busy from missing me too much. I'm not bragging, it's just that we used to be around each other all the time, and I'm only not minding the hole her absence makes so much because of the amount of things I have to do.

I just spent the last four hours studying on the library and only stopped because unfortunately even libraries have a time for closing. I have a test tomorrow and I honestly don't feel prepared for it and I know it is no one's fault but my own. As the massive clock on the wall strikes 9:55 p.m., I get up from my table stretching along with the other glazed eyed students.

I start to gather my belongings but stop when I see a familiar curly-haired head pass hurriedly in front of me.

"Leo!" I call and he stops dead.

He looks around before finding me. "Hey! Looks who is studying." He walks towards me adjusting the backpack on his back.

"Look at you. I had no idea you knew what a library was."

"What? How do you think I got to my third year of Pre-med?"

I chuckle finishing to put all my things in my bag. "Really? I thought with your Basketball scholarship they passed you so you could continue to play."

"Ouch. That's not how it really works, I have to study too. One can't go without the other. But since you mentioned it, where are you headed to?" He asks as we start to slowly walk to the exit.

"Back to my dorm."

"Boring." He sings.

"I don't know about you, Pre-med frick, but I get tired of all this studying."

"I feel offended and at the same time not." He frowns and then shakes his head as if dismissing the thought. "It's not relevant, but what is relevant is that you should come with me. Come watch me play basketball, it's just a friendly game with the guys, you can lose your voice cheering for me on the benches, it's going to be fun." He winks making me roll my eyes.

He takes the big weight that is my bag out of my hands and carries it for me.

"Tempting. But I don't know... I have a test tomorrow, I think I should go rest."

We stop in front of the doors where the security guy asks to check our bags.

"You don't look tired. You look worried." He continues as we make our way down the big staircase in front of the library. "And the best way of taking care of that is distracting yourself and what better way to do it than cheering for me?" I roll my eyes. "You're not gonna regret it, I'm pretty good. I'll take you there and you'll even get a free ride home, isn't that a great deal?"

I stare at him skeptically while he pouted his lip. "And if I regret it?"

"You won't. Have a little more faith in me, Good-morning Girl."

I sight knowing that I should head back to the dorm. "Okay." He makes an embarrassing victory dance that makes me wonder how he gets so many girls. "Please stop, I'm embarrassed for you. Let's just go. Where's your car?"

Turns out Leo doesn't have a car. He has a motorcycle.

"You've got to be kidding me." I almost turned around and headed back when I saw it. I have never ridden on a motorcycle before, and my parents have put all these ideas of how it is not safe. Saying that I am afraid is an understatement.

"I'm a student, Em, we gotta work with what we get." He passed me the only helmet.

"What about your head?"

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