Chapter 10~Time Passes

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America woke up in her barrack, the familiar sound of the wake up call going off. She quickly hopped down from her bunk bed and pulled out her notebook. She looked in it and realized that today she would have finally been in the army for 6 years. It's crazy how fast time goes, she thought, it feels like I just got here yesterday. She closed back up her notebook and put it in her bag. She forgot how she got this bag, but like how it looked. She threw the bag back on her bed and ran outside to join her friends. "Hey Meri!" Greece said, waving for her to join her and Malaysia on the outer part of the group of countries. She ran over and stopped when she got to them. "What's the news?" She asked, wanting to know what kind of training they were doing today. "Shooting," Malaysia said, "With bow and arrows." "Great!" She exclaimed excitement jolting in her. She wasn't worried about the bow and arrows, however, knowing that she was very talented in that category. "Group A will go first," Confederate yelled over everybody. "Then group C and last." America was assigned to be in group B. Malaysia and Greece were both in group C. As everyone got in there groups they all went to go sit on logs and watch people fire the arrows. The first country went and got in the second circle. Then two more tries. And on and this went until Greece was called on. "Good luck!" America said, giving her friends the thumbs up and supporting her. Greece just smiled and went to take a bow and 3 arrows. She just barely missed the first time. Almost Greece, keep trying, America thought in her head. Greece took a second shot and hit the white outline of the bullseye. She went for her final shot and hit out part of the bullseye. "Damn," she exclaimed. "Hope you do better than me." She said as she walked past Malaysia who was getting up for his turn to go. "Good luck May!" America said. "Thanks Meri." He replied, grabbing a bow and three arrows. Greece's points had been marked and her arrows were already taken down. He pulled back his arm and aimed He arrow accordingly. He shot, and.... miss. Just barley. He hit the outer circle. He went for another shot and hit the white part around the bullseye. He went for his final shot and.... BAM! Bullseye! Everyone clapped and cheered for him. It was hard for any of them to get a bullseye, especially with everyone else watching. He walked back over towards Greece and America. "Good look Meri, show 'em how it's done." He said sitting down in his spot. America nodded and went over to take a bow and 3 arrows. She pulled the arrow back and immediately got a bullseye. Everyone went quiet after that. She was the first one to get a bullseye on the first try. She took another shot. Bullseye. It landed in the arrow from before and went through it. She took her final shot, getting another bullseye, going right down the other two arrows. Everyone looked at her in disbelief. Most of the boys were blushing at her and the majority of the girls were clapping and cheering for her. She set back down the bow and sat down with Malaysia and Greece. Then the training for shooting was over for the day, now it was time to move on to climbing.

When the day was finally over, America felt proud of herself, but she also felt lonely. She felt sad thinking about how she's been here her whole life, never getting to explore anything outside of this dome. The only time she was able to leave the dome was when they went into battle. She was tired of that. She stopped thinking about it though and went to sleep.

Russia was sitting in the conference room with all of the other countries. It had been 6 years since America disappeared and everyone was convinced that she had died. Russia couldn't bear to think about that idea, so he spent most of his days thinking about America and mourning over her so called death. When EU stopped talking for a moment, Russia butted in, "I have a comment." "What is it, Russia?" EU asked. "Why aren't we still looking for America?" Everyone looked at him, a sudden sadness filling the room. "Russia, its been six years since she disappeared, I don't think we should-" "America would still be looking for any of us. If one of us had run away, she wouldn't give up on finding them, she would look for as long as it took until she found them!" Russia said this with sadness filling his heart. He was also angry that nobody else wanted to look for her. "I agree with Russia," Canada said, "We should've kept looking for her, fact, we should start looking for her again." Everyone started to talk about this and soon most of the countries agreed to look for America again.

China sat there and watched as they talked about looking for America again. She looked at Russia and saw that he was sad. Sadder then when he was with America. Much sadder. She felt bad now thinking of how she had hurt her love by taking his away from him. She didn't want him to be sad. She realized then and there that Russia doesn't want to be with her, he want America. She felt sorrow now knowing that she hurt Russia. She hurt America. She couldn't keep her secret anymore and decided to tell everyone. "Guys," Everyone looked at her, waiting for her to continue. "I have something to confesss..." "Whag is it?" Japan asked interested to here the tea. "I-I..... I am the reason why America ran away." Everyone looked shocked and then many of the countries looked mad, including Russia. "What do you mean?" Mexico asked. "I had a crush on Russia at the time and became so jealous of them being together that I wanted to get rid of her...... I threatened to hurt to guys and told her to leave. She only did because she didn't want me to hurt any of you...." she suddenly started to cry, pulling her knees up her her chest. "I-I'm so sorry..... I never should have done any of that." "Where do she go?" Canada asked, he was being very serious and had no time to be sentimental with this woman who hurt his sister. "W-Wanborne...." she said. Canada and the other countries immediately typed the name of the "town" into their phones. "Well what are we waiting for?!? Let's go!" Russia said, getting up from his seat and running out the door. The other countries followed, including China.

When they got to their cars, China wanted to go with them. "Why?" They all asked, "Why do you care?" "Because America was my best friend, I never should have done any of that, I never should have hurt her. I need to make it up to her and set things right." They finally agreed to let her go, taking off in the direction of Wanborne.

Double publish though?

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