Chapter 13: The Cheshire Grin

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Hi readers!!! Here is chapter 13 :D get pumped!!! just realized though that i never really described what Miranda looks like! i'll do that next chapter... READ ON MY READERS WHO READ! :D


Chrissy's POV

"You have a lot of explaining to do miss flame fish." Well, there's no hiding it from this boy any more. Clearly, he can see me... so, really no way around telling him about myself.

"Fine," I sigh out, looking down at my tail and suddenly becoming extremely aware of what I'm wearing. Nothing. And I notice Lou's eyes start to travel away from my glowing tail upwards to my crossed over arms. Seriously?! "But hand me that towel on the counter first, Mr. And keep the eyes on the tail!" He laughs a bit and blushes but quickly grabs the towel and hands it to me, averting his eyes while I wrap it around my upper body. He plops down next to me and takes a deep breath, staring at my tail some more in shock.

"Ok... so are you going to talk to me about this? Or am I just going to have to make a story up for you?" he laughs some more. I shift my position to get more comfortable while I still have my tail. I can't use the towel that's covering me to dry myself, because then I wouldn't be covered on top! Gonna have to let it dry naturally...

"Alright, let me start from the beginning..." I tell him everything as fast as I can. Not really giving much detail about it because I don't think the bathroom floor is the best place for my intricately detailed life story. But I do tell him about my mom; my parents death and why it was actually harder on me; my brother and my first transformation; how I "work" I guess you could say (like the basis of how my tail comes and goes); how Miranda knows; how I saved Zayn; and of course that he could stop staring at me like that. His eyes were practically bulging out of his head as he remained silent throughout the entire story. It didn't take that long to explain, to be honest, maybe ten minutes at most, but it felt like an eternity.

"Are you going to say anything?" I chuckle a bit at his reaction. This is totally different than how M reacted! And he's only the second person that's ever found out! Granted, I can't blame the guy because he's spent the past two days dreaming of this fantastical topless beauty that just goes around enchanting men, when it really just turned out to be me. The total opposite of an enchanting sea mistress. I'm still topless, but I do not do the best in the boy department. Sorry to disappoint him about his fantasies, but this is what he got! Me! Woohoo! Sarcasm intended!

"Well, huh. What do I say about this? You're a mer-MMPPHH!" I cover his mouth quickly before he finishes the word incase any one can hear us. What is he thinking saying that out loud?!

"You can't tell anyone! Promise me, okay? I can't have anyone else knowing about this. I've only ever told Miranda and I just met you guys! I mean, you guys are the best, you hilarious, and sweet, and wonderful to be around..." I trail off thinking about Niall mainly. Just the way his presence brightens my smile is more magical than my tail! How does he do it? He's just so...

"Rrrsssyy?" he says underneath my hand with eyebrow wiggles knowing I'm talking about Niall. A blush flushes onto my face as I pull my hand off his mouth. Dangit! Why do I always blush? Because Niall's perfect and worth blushing for... What who said that? Another smile forces it's way onto my face as I dream more about his perfect eyes and the way he makes me laugh...

"You like Niall I knew it!" he jumps up excitedly doing a little victory dance. Ahh Louis, gotta love him! I start to laugh pretty hard underneath my breath, trying to hide my ever burning blush.

"Shhhh! I don't want him to know, Lou! What if he doesn't like me back?" my laughter fades as I say the last part. I mean, why would Niall like me back? He's THE Niall Horan! I'm just some random girl fan his friend met on a plane... I'm not perfect like he is. I'm not worth even blushing for.

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