One Direction and One Mermaid (One Direction fanfic)

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Wow, I've been a member of this fantastic site for less than a day now and I'm already compelled to post another story I've been working on! So excited! Please read and of course comment and let me know what you guys think. I know i only have two reads on my first story so far, but when i found out first even had 1 read I flipped out! This website is magical. Enjoy the story!


Chrissy's POV 

I have always wondered what my life would be like if I wasn't like this. If I wasn't born this way or created so. My life would be a whole lot easier, let me tell you. I don't think you know how hard it is to always tell your friends you can't go swimming at the beach, you can't go to their lake house, you can't go in a pool or hot tub, etc. etc. etc. It's hard! But I guess I shouldn't be complaining, I mean, I love what I've been gifted with. I love that I can swim as fast as a dolphin, hold my breath for as long as a whale, and communicate with other aquatic mammals. I just wish I could share it with my friends. 

"Please return to your seats and put your seatbelts on, tray tables up and seats in the full upright position. We will be landing in Los Angeles very soon." 

I should probably explain a little bit about who I am exactly. My name is Chrissy Morgan. Morgan means "dweller of the sea," which is pretty fitting for my situation. Currently, I'm 18 years old and am moving to Newport Beach all by myself to live with my childhood friend, Miranda. My whole life changed when I became different on my sixteenth birthday. So I've been dealing with this whole situation of being "different" for a little over two years now. If you haven't already guessed it, I'm a mermaid. Well, half mermaid you could say. But Miranda doesn't know... so we'll see how that plays out when I get there. 

I've known my whole life about who I am. It was never a secret. I've seen my mom change actually quite a lot. She was really pretty, with a tall slender scarlet tail that complemented her beautiful long blonde wavy hair. My dad's not a merfolk, though. He was a human that was lucky enough to have a love story with one. He was my mom's prince, as she liked to say.  

My mom met my dad when she came to live on land. She never really liked the ocean and always felt that she belonged up here, sort of like that Disney princess Ariel, but my mom was way cooler. Plus my mom wasn't some undersea royal that ran away and made a deal with some octopus witch woman. That's the BS Disney makes up. Don't get me wrong, I love Disney! But, it's just funny to see a different take on my kind. It was actually common for merpeople in my moms home to go up and live on land. Most merpeople do, that's why it's really rare you'd see them actually in the water. Well, getting on with the story, my mom met my dad when he accidentally ran into her on the beach, literally ran into her. It's a sweet love story, at least how my mom used to tell it. It was love at first sight, they dated, he said he loved her, she knew he could trust him, and she shared with him her secret. He still loved her so they got married and bing bam boom my older brother was born. A few years later and then came me! 

My mom used to tell it better, but she can't tell it now. I miss her a lot, and my dad. They died in a car crash when I was fifteen; it was right after Christmas. My mom and dad had just bought me a special pair of earrings with aquamarines in them as an early coming of age gift. I wear them every day now as a reminder that they're always with me. They were really excited for my sixteenth birthday that upcoming year and just couldn't wait to get them for me.  

Because I'm half mermaid, half human, the age of sixteen is when the child gets their powers. Again, it's a very common thing and my mom was prepared for it, as was my dad. If a child is full mermaid, though, they'll grow up in the sea. But I'm half so my parents had been telling me all my life and preparing me for when I'd... you know... change. The parent that's originally a mermaid (my mom) was supposed to be the one to first come with me when I made my first transformation, to teach me how to swim. My dad was always supportive of the whole mermaid thing and actually found it pretty cool, so he would come with. They both were there for when my brother, Kyle, first changed. It was a little different though, because he's a dude, so he really wanted my dad there with him. After that my dad thought it would only be fair he would come for me, too. But because they passed beforehand, Kyle took me on my sixteenth birthday that upcoming July. He's always been there for me. He's a pretty protective older brother.  

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