Chapter 12: The Slippery Touch

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HI MY LOVELY READERS!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW MUCH THE READ COUNT AND VOTE COUNT HAS GONE UP!!!! YOU GUYS ARE FANTASTIC! :DDDDD AAAHHH I WISH THEY MADE BIGGER CAPS LOCK FOR MY FEELINGS RIGHT NOW!! so sorry for the long wait, my computer crashed so we had to take it to the apple store :P not fun, but thankfully all of my stories and stuff was not lost! *phew* so here is the long anticipated chapter 12!  sorry if it's like a page shorter than i normally do, i couldn't pass up the opportunity for a cliffhanger!  as always... READ ON MY READERS WHO READ! :D


Harry’s POV


            “Anyone here?” Niall yells up the staircase.  What am I going to do?  Should I tell him about Chrissy and Louis spending time in her bathroom?  He really fancies her, though.  I don’t think I can do that to the poor lad!  And how could Lou do this to Niall?  He knew Niall liked her a TON!  It’s not even funny how much he talked about how “sweet” and “cute” and “perfect” she was last night!  To be honest I’m glad the lad found someone to like.  He hasn’t had a girlfriend in like two years.  And here goes Lou foolin’ around with the bird in her own bathroom!  I’ll have to yell at him later for that if Niall doesn’t get to him first.  I never thought Louis would do something like this to one of his best friends.

            “Harry?  Lou?” Zayn’s voice comes in and shuts the door behind them both.

            “Chrissy?  Miranda?” Niall yells also.  Of course he’s looking for her…  The cheeky lad.  I run up to the banister overhanging the main living room and spy a soaking wet Niall and Zayn, dripping wet from the storm still raging outside making the room light up with the occasional lightning flash.

            “Hey guys!” I say over the railing still holding onto the clothes Chrissy gave me.  “Where’s Liam?”  Suddenly an equally soaked lad comes bursting through the door as well; water-logged clothes sopping onto the floor.  He thrusts his hands out to his sides in a “what do you have to say for yourself?” look.  Everyone stifles a small laugh as he shakes his hair out throwing water droplets everywhere.

            “I thought you guys said you’d wait up for me!  You left me alone running through the rain out there by myself!”  Ah Daddy Direction.

            “You were going to slow!” Zayn says.

            “I can outrun you any day and you know that, Z!  You guys just left me on the pier without telling me!  You ditched me!”  We all laugh some more as he steps carefully not to slip on the hardwood floor.  Zayn walks over to the kitchen where the other towels were still laying out as Niall makes his way up the stairs towards me, leaving a trail of water behind him.

            “Have you seen Chrissy?” he asks with hopeful eyes and a huge grin plastered on his face.  God… I can’t tell him!  I just can’t crush the poor lad!  He just looks so happy talking about her.  He’d die if I told ‘em.

            “Uh… nope.  No I haven’t actually.  I just got out of the shower, really so I don’t know where she is,” I say quickly with a weird smile forced on my face as I step in front of him so he doesn’t go upstairs.  Smooth Styles, he’s not going to suspect anything at all! (sarcasm implied).

            “Ok… well I need to talk to her.  Do you know if Miranda’s out of the shower yet so I can ask if she might know where she is?” a spark of hope lights up his voice at the mention of Chrissy.  Tell him Harry, he has the right to know about Lou… doing stuff…. With her in her bathroom.  No!  Don’t tell him, he’d be crushed.  But then again I should because he is one of my best mates and it was totally inappropriate and wrong of Louis to do that.  Wait!  Don’t do it because maybe he’ll get over his crush for her!  For Christ’s sake Styles get it together!  As I wrestle with my inner demons Niall slowly starts to inch around me so I quickly move my position in front of him.

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