Chapter 3: First day

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You didn't hear your mother calling out for you to wake up. She the came into your room.

"[Y/N]!!! GET YOUR BUTT UP UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE LATE!!!" Your mother yelled. This made you fall out of your bed.
"AHHH"[Y/N] screamed as you fell on the ground.
"Mom!!!!" [Y/N] said rubbing the back of your head.
"Finally your up now get really" your mother said giggling. She walked out of your room.

"Ughhhh"[Y/N] said standing up. You walked towards your dresser and got out the uniform. You putted it on and putted all of your supplies in your bag and got your shoes on. You walked out of your room and into the kitchen. You ate and said good bye to your mother and walked out of the house.
You gotten on your mortar cycle and drove away towards the school. You see the school and drive towards it:

~ You get to the school~
You park your mortal cycle and got off. You started to walk towards the school you then triped over something. You started to fall but then you felt something grab you. You looked up.
"You should be more careful" ??? Said still holding you. You didn't say anything so the person letted you go and putted you down so you don't fall again. The person then started to walk away. Well then that just happened oh well.. Got to go find my class so I dont be late. You began to run until you made it to the front.

You got your paper that said your class and you where in class 1A. You walked around trying to fine the class. You finally found the class and walked in. As you walked in there where already some students in the class room. As you looked around you saw someone fimilar at the back of the class room. You looked at the person and it was the person who saved you from falling this morning. Oh great he's here just great. You sighed and then saw someone coming towards you.

"Hi there! I'm Izuku Midoriya! You must be new here" Izuku said. You looked at him.
"Hi I'm [Y/N] [L/N] nice to meet you Izuku and yes I am new here.
"Nice to meet you to [Y/N]!!" Izuku said happy. You saw him smile.
"I can show you around if you want" Iuzku said.
"Sure why not" [Y/N] said.
"Okie! But first go pick a seat and put your stuff down then I can give you that tour" Izuku said. You nodded and looked at what seats where free and the ones that are not. Hmmm I want a seat near a window. Hmm oh! That one looks good! You walked to a seat that had a window and no one was has taken it. You putted your stuff down but then you felt someone looking at you. You turns around and you swear you saw that boy who helped you look at you. You shrugged it off and walked to Izuku.

"Oh for the tour we have to tell a teacher so we don't get into trouble" Izuku said. You nodded and you guys talked until the teacher came in. The tearcher walked in and Izuku talked to him and he gave him permission to give me a tour. We them walked out of the clasa room and started the tour.

"As you and see there are different classes we get put into a certain thing you did or something like that" Izuku said. You followed him listening to him and also thinking about something way different then the tour.
"Here is the lunch room" Izuku said. You got out of your thoughts and lookes at the lunch room.
"Wow its so big!" [Y/N] said.
" Yes indeed It has to fit all of the classes In here" Izuku explained.
"Ah true true " [Y/N] said nodding.
" Come " Izuku said. You nodded and followed him for the rest of the tour.

~Couple mins later~
"Hey I have a question" [Y/N] said.
"Sure what is it?" Izuku asked.
"Where do we train at?" [Y/N] asked.
"Oh! That well see that building over there?" Izuku said. You nodded.
"Thats where we train" Izuku said.
"Ah ok" [Y/N] said. Started to walk again and give the rest of the tour.

~After the tour~
"And thats everything!" Izuku said.
"Thx for giving me a tour Izuku" [Y/N] said.
"No problem! [Y/N] oh and we should get back to class" Izuku said.
You nodded and started to walk back to class while talking to Izuku. You arrived back to class and opened the door. Eveyone stared at the door and saw you and Izuku.

"Take a set" Aizawa said. You and Izuku walked to your seats and sat down and went along with the rest of the class. The bell ringed and you packed up your things and looked at the time. Hmm that's was a long class geez I think its lunch time I think hmm what did Izuku said... Oh yeah! It is lunch cool. You walked out of the class room and headed to lunch. You walked into the lunch room and saw a lot of students.

"[Y/N]!!! OVER HERE!!"Izuku said waving. You looked around and saw Izuku calling you so you decided to walk over.
"Yes Izuku?" [Y/N] asked.
"Want to eat lunch with us?" Izuku asked.
"Sure why not" [Y/N] said. You sat next to Izuku and looked around the table to see who was there.
"Oh right! I should interduse you to my friends!" Izuku said.
"Mhm" [Y/N] said nodding.
"This is Uraraka" Izuku said.
"Hello! Its nice to meet you [Y/N]" Uraraka said.
"Mhm nice to meet you to" [Y/N] said.
"And this is Iida" Izuku said.
"Its nice to meet you [Y/N]" Iida said.
"Ye nice to meet ya to"[Y/N] said.

~After interdusing eveyone~
"Oh wait wheres Todoroki?" Izuku asked looking around. Todoroki then came out of no where and sits down at the table. Its that boy who saved me this morning.
"Oh [Y/N] this is Todoroki!" Izuku said.
"Nice to meet you Todoroki" [Y/N] said.
"Nice to meet you to [Y/N]" Todoroki.

To be continued ~
Yay I got It done! I must say this I may be longest chapter I ever wrote :3 anyway I hope you all liked this chapter!! And idk what fanfic/book is next so I will have to figure it that out. I hope you all enjoyed this :) byeeeee my peeps see you in the next fanfic/book! Ill be working on! Byeeee

Words: 1130

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