day five, eight am.

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in movies, they make you believe that falling in love with someone is as easy as breathing.

having next to no knowledge in the love department, i myself always based my own expectations on what i watched or read, and living vicariously through book characters wasn't exactly a correct depiction of what a true love story was like.

it was when I woke up, arm draping over his sleeping body next to me, the curls on his hair all over the place and covering his eyes, even the tiniest bit of drool on his lips. it wasn't the perfect view; but it was real. and i was pretty damn okay with real.

pushing the covers off of me as slowly as i could, i wrapped my arms around my body and moved as silently as possible. the last thing i wanted was to put a stop to what i believed to possibly be the best sleep he would have had in the past few days.

carefully tiptoeing to my shoes, i bent down to pick them up and slip them on. however, a strong hand spun me around by my wrist just as i was standing up.

"jungkook, what the hell are you doing up?" i whisper-yelled, my free hand over my heart as he had once again managed to scare me half to death.

"what the hell are you doing leaving?" he playfully arched his eyebrow, using the same tone as i had as he sat up.

puffing my cheeks, i gave him a look and pointed to the bed. "you're still recovering. i need to work, so you stay and i go."

"can't you skip work for once in your life?" he pouted, his head tilting in an adorable manner. "i mean, my stitches hurt and i need someone to take care of me."

rolling my eyes, i could see right through his act. and yet, he managed to get to me. "i can't just skip work. i'll check up on you every once in a while."

my words didn't seem to dissuade him. "and what if i start bleeding out and can't call out to you? what's gonna happen then?"

i put both of my hands on my hips this time. "jungkook, stop being dramatic. i'll literally be right outside the door. besides, your friend did say he'd come in the morning, right? someone needs to be at the front desk when he arrives."

my words flashed something within his mind, his arms falling next to his body as he laid back down on the bed. "that's right, for a moment i forgot."

i could tell he had forgotten about more than just the fact that this kim namjoon was coming. he had suddenly grown nervous; maybe he really did look up to this guy in such an intense way that the thought of disappointing him made him all the more anxious. 

i didn't want to pry into his feelings like that, so, instead, i put my hand on his shoulder. "meanwhile you should stay in bed. i'll let you know in advance when he arrives so you can get ready."

he gave me a faint nod, clearly immersed in his thoughts. deciding on giving him some privacy, i grabbed my uniform from the floor and put it on. it was wrinkled, dirty and terrible, and i for sure needed to grab a new one before taking my spot behind the front desk again. and yet, i couldn't help smiling as i remembered exactly why it was in such a mess.

"i could get used to watching you get dressed in the morning," i heard his voice call out softly, my ears instantly turning red. 

"behave," pressing my finger to my lips, i motioned for him to stay quiet and go back to sleep. he offered me one last smile before i slid outside the door, dusting off my uniform once more before walking towards the supply closet to get a new one. 

throwing my hair up in a bun, i locked the door after me and quickly got out of my clothes once again, putting on a fresh uniform and throwing the dirty one inside the washing machine.

mindlessly looking inside the cabinets for the washing powder, i found myself going back to that room and the night i had shared with jungkook. the heat came back to my cheeks as i adjusted my messy bangs, thinking about how, in another life, in any other situation, i'd be the happiest girl alive.

a loud knock on the door pulled me from my thoughts. shaking my head, i mumbled a quick 'just a moment' as i was set on starting the washing machine. dropping some powder into its container, i was once again startled by another, slightly louder knock, which made me drop the washing powder container. 

"jesus," i mumbled to myself, deciding that it was best to just open the door and see whatever this person needed. "coming!"

i quickly unlocked the door, tugging it open. to my surprise, no one was there. taking a step outside, i looked both ways and confirmed it: no one was in the hallway. 

furrowing my eyebrows, i took a few steps further into the entrance, thinking it could be someone who had seen me go in with my uniform and decided to wait for me in the main entrance. however, the knock seemed so urgent, that it didn't make sense.

in movies, you see the lead actress get kidnapped in situations just like these. she loses her focus, gets distracted with daydreaming for a moment, gets tricked into believing the world is a much better, safer place than it really is.

having next to no knowledge in the crime department, i had always told myself that i would never be as foolish as those girls, i would always watch over my shoulders if i was ever in a dangerous situation.

the problem is, i didn't accurately classify just in how much danger i truly was.

so when a hand pushed a cloth against my mouth, and my body failed to cooperate with my fight or flight instinct, i was that foolish girl after all.


author's note

so. hello?! merry christmas, happy new year.

maybe i'm leaving you with a cliffhanger, but it's better than nothing, right?

i wish i could promise to write more frequently, but i can't. also, lack of inspiration is TRULY the worst. but i'm set on finishing this book, and it's not a long way to go anyway.

if anyone's still reading: i love you. if not, i love you too.

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