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^^ Alice ^^

— Alice —

Getting your period as a Vampire was... bracing.

I thought I was prepared. I'd been growing Cocoa for months and making my own dark chocolate, I'd been creating several types of tea that would help with cramps and bloating, I'd made anaphrodisiacs, to help me not jump Cala, -who was more and more sexy with every passing week in the gym,- and I'd even researched this realm's version of pads and tampons, which were surprisingly and happily advanced to modern levels, with the added benefit of magic!

But then, right before the end of my first Year of the Academy, I began bleeding in my sleep, and a paradoxical white-hot-icy feeing spread through my veins like arctic wildfire. It was like the feeling of frostbite, all over my body, biting into me and carving into my very soul.

At first, my thought was that I was smelling the blood and activating my own Thirst, but I breathlessly confirmed that I was still feeding off of the criminals in my Dark Heart, and it wasn't that.

Cala heard my pained groans, apparently loud enough to wake her, (she sleeps like a rock,) and walked over from her own bed, on the other side of the room. "Alice? What's- oh, okay, breath honey, I know it's rough the first go around." She spotted the blood and sat next to me, patting my cheek.

I felt my spine creaking and expanding, cracking from the force of the growth spurt I was apparently experiencing all at once, and I growled in pain as the sensation spread to my other bones. The Sigils did their jobs, stretching with the growth and settling in once more, after the stretching had stopped, and then the barrier under my skin followed suit, before my Mana Core began to connect with everything again, and the pain from the growth stopped, while the pain from the ice was still there, gnawing at the inside of my brain.

"Oh wow, okay, instant cheekbones, did you do that yourself or is that a magic puberty thing?" Cala hummed in surprise, and leaned closer to inspect my face.

I smelled her, accidentally, and the tantalizing scent of her blood slipped through my lungs and seemed to settle in my heart; before I could think, I was latched on to her, drinking deeply of the elixir that brewed within her bones.

"Oh! Okay, this is a vampire thing... okay, I don't mind, but you'll need to give me a moment to recuperate lost blood every few minutes... Alice?" She asked with a hint of concern in her comforting voice.

I released her immediately, healing the small wound on her neck, and leaned back slowly against my headboard, my chest heaving for breath I didn't seem to need that much. "Sorry..." I shuddered and rested my head back as the ice retreated slowly, but not entirely. "I'll need to drink from my Cattle more often... and physically, not just with magic... despite the horror-show it makes of me." I waved a hand at the blood that caked my mouth and throat, trickling down my chest and in between the still-small breasts clearly visible therein.

She chuckled, cracking her neck. "Yeah, or you can take it from me again? That was... pretty good." She motioned to her stained shorts, and I hummed.

"Curious... some aphrodisiac effect from my saliva in your bloodstream? That never happened before... and-..." I looked down at my own shorts, and frowned as I felt the difference; blood was not the only thing now between my thighs. "I see... perhaps I was not a full Vampire before? The effects seem slightly different. More intense, with a different set of side-effects... it will warrant study, yes."

A wave of my hand cleaned all the blood off the both of us, and I kissed her knuckles seriously. "I'm sorry for biting you, my dear... it was terribly rude of me."

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