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^^ Dragon-Egg Rapier 'Dark Rose' ^^

— Alice —

I breathed deeply, clutching my chest as my heartbeat pulsed rapidly for a few seconds, and waved off the concerned Spirit Master. "No no, I'm fine now... amazing..." I looked at my dragon companion swiftly, curious about her changes, and was not disappointed; her eyes had gained a scarlet tint, just like a normal Albino creature, and a small row of crystalline horns flowed down her spine, crackling softly with audible electricity, but there were no other visible changes. Inside, as I reached and looked like I was looking into myself, I saw/felt a mana core, unlike before when she'd only had a simple system of glowing pathways with no destination.

The spirit master, Alton Circe, chuckled softly. "Yes, I imagine you're feeling a bit better, now, the Class Selection has that effect... but now it's time for the Gifting... are you ready?" He asked seriously, beginning his spell.

I grinned and clapped my hands, opening the same portal as he was attempting on my own, using the full spell and not just reaching in blindly, as he finished his. "I've been ready for eight years, now..." I chuckled.

His eyes widened at the display, as my portal was bigger than his and slowly expanding; it actually met his, and merged, growing to double the size in one swift takeover. Small spirits floated out of the portal curiously, and Zara snapped them up like a bat with insects, until they retreated and stopped coming through.

His jaw slowly dropped as a thick silver claw reached through on either side of the portal, forcing it wider, and slowly slithering out of the portal came an enormous white serpent with wings; an Amphiptere, I believe, and an Albino one... incredibly rare was an understatement. It flicked its tongue at me, smelling me, and then slowly curled around me and Zara, not constricting, just... claiming.

The portal, now the size of the roof of the room, next revealed a gorgeous red-skinned humanoid(?) with wings, horns, a tail, and a overtly buxom figure(on full display, as she was clothed only in a stupidly tight thong of sorts,) as well as another male version. I blushed at the sight of the tenuously bulging hammock of a thong between his legs, as they both fluttered their wings calmly and laid on either side of me, petting my hair.

"Greetings, My Queen..." the incubus smirked knowingly, tracing a nail over my blushing ears, and the succubus chided him casually, pulling me away from him and hugging my head into her warm bosoms.

They both halted, however, even the slow movements of their tails, as a soft footfall was heard, and a trio of females appeared, each slightly different from the last. The first was a draconian humanoid, female and similar in form to the Succubus, but her horns were in the shape of a gorgeous red crown. The second reminded me of lady Yurin, in spirit; she was a beautiful, icy-pale woman with white hair and ghost-blue eyes, and she radiated a scent of Blood. She wore a simple iron circlet around her hair and forehead, with no embellishments at all. The last was more innocent-looking, with dragonfly wings and a youthful happiness to her features, despite her mature body and face. Her eyes however, when she showed them, were a haunting black that was so deep I could feel it pulling and tugging at my soul, more so than even the Vampire Queen. Her crown was made of black-briar and honeysuckle, and smelled beautiful, even from here.

All three slowly approached me, and the amphiptere, succubus, and incubus all scattered to the other end of the room instantly.

"Ahh... a Nature Child... and so adorable..." The draconian queen smiled, then stepped closer and pet the head of the bowing Zara, slowly turning to mist and entering Zara's mouth, apparently being eaten intentionally. Her core instantly seemed to crystallize, gaining something I didn't understand in the process. That something spread over to me, through our bond, and pulsed like Lava through my veins, though it wasn't painful at all.

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