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^^ Galen the Metal Mage ^^

— Alice —

I somewhat regretted teasing Jade, as five hours later (the length of that class was five times the rest for first years, apparently to make sure the new kids got the proper amount of exercise,) I was drenched in sweat, somehow even my taint was sore, and my eyes couldn't quite focus clearly.

I dropped to the floor, and raised a hand, hearing the gentle gong that sounded to signify the end of the class. "Can... can I go shower now?" I wheezed.

"Sure! You worked hard, and you've earned a reprieve! Take a soak in your tub, no worries! Next class is in two hours anyway, cause'a lunch!!!" Lady Jade grinned casually, only sweating a little from the continuous exertion; every exercise we did, she did, apparently as a sort of way of saying to us wordlessly 'no excuses, this is not impossible!!!'

"Stop grinning so much... pisses me off." I muttered, peeling myself off of the floor with a groan.

Cala helped me stand after a moment, and patted my shoulder. "Yeah, the Women of the North are sorta irritating in that way. We never run out of stamina, it's pretty useful."

Jade grinned and smacked Cala's back happily, ignoring the girl's pained groan and speaking Norse. "You did well, girl! Next time you will puke even less, you will see! This one has never been truly challenged, and yet did well! She will be a good friend, and a better Shield Sister!"

"Fuck your fucking face you just enjoyed making me puke..." I grumbled at her, and cracked my back.

"Yes, that too!!!" She laughed.

Cala helped me to my rooms, and then wandered around, grinning. "Whoa... you got your own Lab already?!? This is awesome!!!"

"Mm. I'm taking a bath, you're welcome to join if you can stay quiet. My head is pounding." I sighed, and started my bath running. It was a large bath, easily fitting two adults even of Jade's size, so that was sure to be appreciated over the next few years. I'd already made plans to make it into a jacuzzi, for even greater amusement.

My armor wouldn't actually come off, I discovered, but rather it changed shape into a set of bracers and anklets, which would have to work, I supposed. I sat down in the near-boiling water, and groaned in happiness as it began massaging my muscles.

Zara slipped into the water as well, grumbling in irritation as she floated in the tub. Jade hadn't given her any rest, and instead had her fly aerial versions of my exercises for the entire class, (alongside her siblings, who had been sent to catch up with their partners, who were already third years,) so she turned and breathed fire onto her back muscles, relaxing slowly with the extra heat.

Cala hummed, petting the dragon's head before entering the tub while wearing a towel. "I've never seen a dragon exercising before, so perhaps it's a good thing? Perhaps you will be the biggest and strongest dragon to ever live, hmm?" She attempted encouragement.

"Mm... Prefer Shiniest..." Zara sighed, nuzzling her hand and then wrapping around my shoulders, laying under the faucet.

"It's alright, Zara, you'll be the most impressive dragon, don't worry." I pet her gently, and leaned back to rest my eyes.

"You shouldn't sleep while sore. Best to cool down your muscles slowly." Cala poked my shoulder gently.

"Siiiiiiiiiigh..." I cracked my neck and looked at her. "Any suggestions?" I asked, kicking a leg into her lap. She blushed, stuttering out a few noncommittal answers, and I smirked. "Well, I meant to ask you to massage me, whatever did you imagine?" I teased her happily.

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