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^^ Monroe ^^

— Alice —

"-Visualize the world itself in the Eleven Dimension Format." Besan sat us down in some of the seats, and created a visual aide to what he was talking about, not that I needed it.

I nodded and closed my eyes, viewing the world as a Construct, the space around me as layered and interwoven; the eleven dimensions that made up reality were everywhere, but I focused on the air above my hands. A sphere, maybe a foot wide, above my hand, was slowly encapsulated in my mind.

"Now, add mana to the vision. As much as you can." He continued.

I spread a thin layer of mana around the ball, creating a shell, and then pushed a good third of my mana into the sphere.

"Last step, envision a Pocket, a piece of the Small Dimension that folds between the others, temporarily hiding from Time or Space, the Large Dimensions."

I grinned and thought of what he'd said, burying my little Hidden Pocket deep between the Seven Small Dimensions, but I drew a thread out of Time, and sewed it into the sphere, surrounding it in malleable time, which would hopefully allow me control over the time within that little bubble, by allowing or not allowing Time in, whilst also giving the pocket structure.

"Oh! Okay, you've managed the next stage, the manipulation of time... huh. Took me weeks to-"

"Keep teaching..." Victor admonished him gently.

"Right, Sorry!... Alright, so you'll need to create a spicket of sorts, a tap to allow the time in or out. If the time doesn't leave, it could damage things. Things like the space around the Pocket." He explained.

The pocket gained a Heart-like shape, at my direction. A major vein in allowed Time and the Other Ten Dimensions, but the Artery out also let them leave. One chamber immolated matter, and let the raw mana flow to another chamber, while the dust that was left went to a third chamber; the second chamber was linked directly to my Mana Core, and it would refine the mana into a higher energy state, allowing for a greater purity and therefore better results on purifying my Mana Core, while the Third went to my stomach. Because my Mana Core was linked to the second chamber, it would be constantly trading and purifying the mana so as to increase my proficiency with magic.

The fourth chamber could hold living things in perfect stasis, with proper life support and time, along with potent healing spells, while also draining them just like my prison cells. Because it was in a different dimension, size became irrelevant, and the previously 1ft sphere could hold a near-infinite amount of matter, should I be so inclined; because the matter never left earth's orbit, nor this realm, it wasn't an issue of cosmic balance, which was nice.

I contemplated, and then decided upon the physical representation, which wasn't required, but I liked the idea, as a way to limit the ability of others to cut me off from the energy being supplied by the Dimension. My heart, yet an inky black, like a heart made of liquid obsidian, laced throughout with whatever color my Mana Core turned to.

"Uhm... okay... red flag for creating a death trap the first time you use Spatial Magic, but very impressive nonetheless..." he hummed.

I sent the pulsing obsidian heart away into its new home dimension, and then focused on my chest, feeling the connection to my Mana Core and stomach settle. A wicked thought occurred, and I opened my eyes, looking at the mildly disgusted human. "A girl's gotta Eat, lad." I grinned, using the Fairy Queen's Eldritch Horror Eyes and Voice, and he flinched backwards violently with a swift shriek.

'His fear is quite delectable, yes...' the Fairy Queen commented, giggling softly, before descending back into that deep state of sleep she and the others were all apparently in. The fear he'd felt had given me a rush of endorphins and also mana, which was an interesting discovery; it wasn't just Sex I could take energy from, it was all emotions.

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