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^^ Victor The True Sorcerer ^^

— Alice —

I approached the Ancient Dragon and his Knight quickly, and smiled as Amoj the Ancient Dragon sniffed me. "Hmm... you are a Demon Queen now? How fitting... and do I smell radiance?" Amoj asked.

"I'm a Heroic Dragoon and a Demon Queen, Yes. Plus a Merchant Queen, but honestly that was a given." I grinned up at him, and he snorted, amused.

"A Hero and a Demon Queen... that will be interesting to watch." He laughed at Lukira's stressed sigh, apparently unconcerned.

"Mm. Now, what types of beasts should I feed Zara? What type of meat is best? She's hungry, and now so am I, after all of that nonsense." I focused the Ancient Dragon's attention back on task.

"You can't really tell, at first, the difference between Meats. It's only later that we develop peculiarities in our diets. But, as she has evolved into a Storm Dragon and a Blood Mage... very curious mix, that... perhaps some sort of Predator, not Prey. She may be capable of hunting on her own, but you should get into the habit of fighting together. It builds camaraderie." He explained.

"Uhm, does that go for us, as well?" Buri asked, approaching while carrying Gillian on his shoulder, and Lena followed, winking at Lukira saucily.

"Yes, I imagine it does... if course, an Oceanic Dragon would prefer Fish of some sort, or snakes, and a Magma Dragon actually eats unworked iron and coal, amongst other ores and crystals, not Meat. It is entirely vegetarian... or, uh... Metalitarion? I'm not sure of the proper term, but they don't eat meat. They can be persuaded to eat fruit, at times." He sniffed the small female dragon, and she swiped at his nose saucily, lashing her tail in a whiplike movement when he dodged easily.

"Alright, thanks! I know where to get all of that; Blue River!" I grinned. "By the way, how are those other two, the elves and their dragons?"

Lukira answered, after a moment of thought. "They have decided to join your Guild as Hunters, actually... it is a good life-experience and good training, and as I said, there is no guidance from your elders, during this time, so they are free to do as they please."

I grinned. "Cool... I don't mind if they want to stick around, but Pay is pretty low, compared to being a Knight, I imagine; if they're alright with that, then so be it!"

He chuckled and nodded. "True... now, you said Blue River? We can give you a ride, if you'd like? The Dragons should experience flight very soon, so as to understand it."

We all agreed readily, and I built us a wooden canoe with a wave of my hand, which Amoj lifted once we were all inside it.

Flying over the forest... was a different experience than I'd expected. I loved heights, so that wasn't an issue, (I'd grown up a thousand feet from the ground, after all,) but there was something else about actually flying, not just being high up, that made the experience extra magical.

Of course, I took the time up close to examine the average flight speed of a 150-year-old Ancient Dragon, and the magical spells his wings were imbued with to allow his massive frame and weight flight, which should've become anatomically impossible once his weight rose above 8000 tons, considering his wings were only two times his length of sixty feet, and as wide as his back, 1/4 of his total length, meaning he could carry, -due to the muscle strength and surface area of said wings,- up to 8000 Tons, maximum encumbrance.

Considering Dragon Bones were not hollow, their standard body density would be about ten times that as a human, plus their skeleton and scales, averaging about fifteen times that of a human, as far as body-mass-index is concerned; thus, at Sixty feet long and twenty feet wide, with a height at the shoulder of thirty feet, he occupied a space of 36,000 feet cubed. His wings, tail, and neck would all fill in the space between his legs almost perfectly, and so that 36,000 can be compared to the human scale, -on average 60 pounds per cubic foot, x15, to adjust for density-. That meant he weighed around 32.4 million pounds, or 16,200 Tons. He was double encumbrance, which meant that the spell on his wings could possibly be used in a dragon that wasn't that heavy, -or a person...- to effectively double their speed by halving their weight.

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