Jungkook ~ Just Gotta Persevere

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You ever seen those commercials where people seem to screw up the simplest of tasks in the most idiotic fashion ever? Yeah that's Jungkook. He could do the simplest task of telling the members that he feels like he has been hit by a truck. But no, his mentality got to spice up things in his life and make the task feel like the most complicated, exhausting thing in the world.

He feels like his body is swaying as if he is on a very rocky boat.

He feels the rocking intensify. What kind of audacity?

"Jungkook get up we're going to get breakfast." Taehyung said, face flushed, voice still laced with sleep.

"I'm up." Jungkook slurred, not hiding the hoarseness in his voice. Taehyung is still recovering from the stomach flu he had, and Jungkook is pretty sure he caught the bug.

It took an eternity to get up and get dress, taking another shower as his body felt sticky with the accumulating sweat from his first shower. The hot water burned his skin and sent a shiver down his spine but gave temporarily relief from the muscle tension he felt all over. My God Taehyung suffered this much?

"Ya, save some water for the fishes" Jimin joked. Jungkook reluctantly got out the shower, nearly slipping onto his bare behind as his vision suddenly became blurry. Oh this is going to be a long day.


I feel nauseated as hell. Just let me crawl into a hole and die.

No one wanted to accept the fact that Jungkook wasn't that hungry and made him order some breakfast. Jungkook gave in and ordered some French toast and water in hope for the bread to soak up the stomach acid that was gurgling angrily.

Swallowing the food felt like a chore, every mouthful that went down kept trying to make it way back up and those who didn't fight hard enough sat uncomfortably in his stomach.

He just wants this day to be over.


He knew he shouldn't agreed to do this.

He knew he shouldn't have entertained the thought.

But he did and now he regrets it.

Taehyung wanted to go sightseeing with Jungkook, but what he didn't tell him is that this whole tour was on foot. Someone shoots him in the foot. In the ass. In the face he doesn't even care.

Why did he even agree to sight seeing?

Why didn't he agree to go to the beach with Hoseok and Jimin or go wine tasting with Jin, Yoongi and Namjoon – wait he wasn't legal here and they wouldn't have let him join them.

But still- who entertained the thought of letting them both go sightseeing?!

Taehyung was slumped against the wall as they were stopped at the historic church. He looked like he was few seconds away from passing out.

It was like God sent him a sign, a perfect getaway out of this torture of a tour.

"Taetae are you alright? You look like shit."

"You look like you have been dragged across America and was shat out of Satan's ass, but you don't hear me insulting your appearance." Touché.

"Sorry, I think I overestimated how recovered I felt." He apologized, slowly slouching down the wall.

"Let's get back to the hotel, the last thing we need for this trip is for me to accompany you to a foreign hospital when both of us speak broken English."

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