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Michael was so frustrated with the world right now. He hated everything, everyone. But most of all he hated Ashton. The way he could just shoot Michael down when he was trying to give him a sincere apology. It was absolute bullshit. They kid hadn't said anything the first three days Michael had been there and all of a sudden it was just one big insult. His head was pounding and his chest felt tight. He hated this feeling. The feeling in between anger and hurt. Not that he was hurt at all..

That night was rough. The day had been so perfect and then this. He felt gutted and tired but he couldn't sleep. He heard Luke and Calum watching Mean Girls, which he loved but didn't want to risk exiting his room. So Michael just put on his headphones and laid in bed. With Blink-182 blaring through his speakers he was able to calm down a little. And somewhere in between he dozed off.


Michael woke up and checked his phone. It was 2:14. He was suddenly wide awake and also hungry. Michael figured there wouldn't be anyone awake at this time so he stepped I to the hallway. He passed Ashton's room with a grimace, on his way to the kitchen. He walked to the fridge and and pulled out the milk, making himself a bowl of cereal. Michael walked to the couch with his cereal and plopped down. He turned on the tv and flipped through the channels. He settled on a late night marathon of Friends. Michael are his cereal and watched almost robotically. He felt out of it. Michael finished his cereal and out his bowl back in the kitchen. He told himself he would just finish this episode and then go back to bed.


Poking. Someone was poking Michael. What the fuck?! Michael opened his eyes. He fell asleep on the couch. Fabulous. He saw a clearly tired, and slightly intimidated Ashton standing above him. "Uhm Luke says you need to wake up and go get guitar strings with him." Ashton said. Michael grumbled and rolled back over. "Go away." He said into a pillow. "B-but Luke said that-" Ashton started. "I said, go away!" Michael said, hatred practically dripping off of his words. He heard Ashton sigh and walk away. He was relieved to be left alone again but it didn't last long. Luke came in next with Ashton trailing behind, keeping his distance. Luke shook Michael roughly. "Wake up ya lug, we gotta go get new strings before practice this afternoon." Luke said. This time Michael was up. "Wait, we're having the first band practice today??" He asked. "Yeah so get your lazy ass off the couch and get dressed." Luke turned and left with an Ashton following him.

Michael visibly cringed at the thought of being in an open space where conversing was an essential with Ashton. It actually made him physically sick. He couldn't stand being around Ashton. Even though Ashton seemed all quiet and delicate, Michael found an arrogant side to him. That's at least what he saw. But nobody else did and Michael was once again alone.

He got up and went to his room. Michael picked out some clothes and changed, messing with his hair as usual. He walked to the bathroom to brush his teeth and such.

Luke, Calum, and the other thing were all waiting by the time Michael had finished getting ready. "Are we ALL going to Guitar Center?" Michael asked specifically referring to Ashton. "No I'm taking Ashton with me, just you and Luke getting new strings." Calum said quickly, noticing the tension. They all walked outside into the warm, sunny day. Michael actually loved these days. They reminded him off his family.

Luke and Michael got in Michael's car while Calum and the shit head got in Calum's car. They drove off in opposite directions.


Michael was browsing through the store, occasionally looking at a guitar. Luke was off to god knows where. Michael was looking at new guitar strings when some idiot shoved past him. He got elbowed right in the shoulder and almost got his feet kicked out from under him. "Hey! Asshole watch where you're going! Walk much?!" Michael yelled at the already walking away figure. The guy spun back around and scoffed at Michael. "Look kid i don't have time right now to deal with your nonsense. You were in my way." He said, rudely. "Are you kidding me?! A simple excuse me would have been suitable." Michael seethed, feeling the familiar pressure rise in his chest. The dude wasn't that much bigger than him. He probably just had about two inches on him. Michael could easily take this prick. The guy walked back over to Michael and gripped him by his shirt sleeve. "What're you gonna do about it boy?" The man smirked and snickered. What're you gonna do about it boy? Michael had heard that many time before from his dick of a father. This made Michael even more angry.

He shoved the guy back and said, "Thats what I'm going to do about it." He mocked. The guy rose to his full height, now probably about three inches taller than Michael. But Michael wasn't intimidated one bit. That is until he was hit with the first punch. It threw him quite off guard at first until he realized what had just happened. Michael straightened himself out and threw himself at the stranger. Fists were flying everywhere and blood was covering knuckles. Security was called and they were both kicked out of the store, Luke trailing behind quite embarrassed. Michael had gotten a good piece of the guy but was quite beat up himself. He had a black eye and his lip was bleeding profusely. His knuckles were also turning various shades off purple pretty quickly. Luke have him the look and Michael muttered and I know. They walked silently back to the car. Luke drove considering Michael's eye and hand were swollen. Another fight, great.


When they got home, Luke told Michael to sit on the couch and shut up. For once, he did what he was told. Luke brought out two ice packs, one for his eye and one for his lip. Michael laid back and rested them on his face. Luke just looked at him and sighed. "What the hell happened to you Mikey..?" He almost whispered. "I got beat up." Michael said matter-of-factly. Luke shook his head and sighed again. "I meant what happened to the old Michael?" Luke got up and walked out of the room. Michael felt a twinge in his stomach, something almost like guilt. It wasn't his fault that guys in guitar stores were assholes. But Michael probably did overreact again now that he played the scene over in his head. He should've just let it go. Just like most things.

Michael heard the door open then. Calum and Ashton walked in. "What the hell happened to you?" Calum asked, almost not even surprised that Michael looked like crap. "Got in a fight." Michael muttered. "Figured. I'll go pick up some more pain killers from the pharmacy. Ashton your mums a nurse right?" Ashton nodded. "Alright patch up Michael while I'm gone." Calum grabbed his keys and wallet again. "No, I'm fine." Michael insisted. "Mate your fingers are basically having off your hand. You need stitches. Ash can do it, right?" Calum looked at Ashton. Ashton gave an uncertain head shake. "I'm going to take that as a yes!" Calum walked back through the front door. Ashton sighed and walked to the bathroom, grabbing a medical box. He came back out and set the box down on the coffee table.

"Gimme your hand." Ashton said quietly. Michael just ignored him. "Gimme your hand." Ashton repeated, this time a little louder. Again, Michael just kept his eyes shut. "God, what the hell do you want from me?" Ashton asked quietly. Michael opened his eyes and looked at Ashton. "Absolutely nothing." He said in all seriousness. Ashton actually looked a little hurt which set off the twinge in Michael's stomach again. "Just let me stitch your hand." Ashton mumbled. "No." Michael spat out sternly. "Please.. Just let me fix it and then I'll leave you alone." Ashton said softly, looking genuinely caring. Michael stuck out his hand without a word. Ashton inspected it for a couple of minutes. Then he took out a small needle and medical thread. "Just a few stitches, the first couple might hurt a bit." Ashton got the needle ready. Michael just nodded. He felt the first stitch go through and cried out in pain. "Oh shit that hurts!" Michael groaned. "I know, I'm really sorry.. It'll feel better soon." Ashton kept stitching. Michael watched Ashton's face as he concentrated carefully on bringing the least amount of pain to Michael as he could. His forehead scrunched up and he but his lip, making the outline of his dimples show. His eyes were focused and his hands were still. This stuff came naturally to him. Ashton's features were soft and relaxed as he finished the last stitch. "There you go. Should be better soon." He said putting away the needle. "Will I be able to play at practice today?" Michael asked. "I'll ask Luke if we can move it to tomorrow." Ashton nodded. "Kay.. Uh, thanks Ashton." Michael muttered. Ashton just nodded again and scurried back down the hall to Luke's room.

That was the first real conversation that Michael had actually had with Ashton. It wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. The look on Ashton's face was soothing and eased his nerves. Talking wasn't as horrible as he thought. But hell he still hated Ashton.. Right?


A/N So this story is still kinda fluffy at the the moment and I'm really sorry but it'll start getting exciting soon I promise. Xx aaaaand Michael's getting confused about Ashton now aye?

So yeah thanks to the two of you that read this:-) ily. And it's really late right now so sorry if this chapter sucks. It's because I'm exhausted. Nighty night<3

Jamie Xx

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