Every Time I Look For You

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Michael awoke with a jolt. He sat upright, breathing heavily. He looked at the clock. 3:57 am. It was just a stupid dream, he thought. Go back to sleep, it's going to be a long day tomorrow. Tomorrow was the day he was moving in with Calum and Luke. Michael shut his eyes and focused on sleep.


Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Michael groaned and rolled over. "Shut up," he muttered and banged his alarm clock till it shut off. He yawned and swung his legs over the side of his bed. His room was filled with boxes ready to be hauled into his car.

The small apartment was quiet as Michael traveled down the hallway to the bathroom. The place was always quiet now after his sister Elizabeth moved in with Aunt Nancy. Michael couldn't stand the quiet. It got to his head, just like everything else did. And it annoyed the hell out of Michael, just like everything else did. Michael hummed as he washed his face and brushed his teeth. He walked back down the hall to his room to get dressed. Michael stripped off his pajama pants and t-shirt. He pulled out a pair of black jeans, a Blink-182 shirt, and black Vans and changed. He messed with his hair a bit in the mirror until it looked somewhat suitable.

Michael started lugging the boxes down the stairs and onto the front lawn. Calum was supposed to be here to help him but of course he wasn't. Asshole, he thought. He carried about six or seven boxes down by the time Calum pulled up with his car.

"Hey mate, long time no see, aye?" Calum gave Michael a bro hug and popped the trunk. "Yeah, you're late." Michael muttered. "Eh just a little." Calum shrugged. "Well at least help me with the last few." Michael snapped, ushering Calum upstairs. "Alright, alright calm your tits." Calum was used to Michael's overwhelming sense of sarcasm and anger. It didn't bother him or Luke now.

Michael and Calum carried the last five or so boxes down to the car. Michael locked the apartment one last time and looked back. "Hasta lavista shit hole." Michael muttered before turning back to Calum and the car. They both got in and Calum started the engine.

"So what has it been? Five months?" Calum asked. "Yeah." Michael said. It had been five months since what happened to his mum. He hated thinking about it. "Well it's good to see you around again Mikey, honestly." Calum said genuinely. "Thanks Cal. So what's been going on with Luke and the band and stuff?" Michael asked. "Well Luke is still the same lame ass as before and we thought maybe the band could start up where we left off if you were up for it." Calum glanced over at Michael, hope filling his eyes. Michael nodded. "I figured we would." "Oh and guess what. We found ourselves a new drummer." Calum said excitedly. "His names Ashton and he's killer on the drums." "Ashton huh? Didn't actually think about having a drummer before. He better not be some cocky asshole because he's the newbie." Michael snorted. "Nah.. He's a little more reserved, I guess you could say." Calum chewed on his lip cautiously. "Reserved?" Michael pressed. "Yeah, I guess you'll see soon enough." Calum said.

They turned onto the new street after a long, awkward pause after the Ashton discussion. Honestly Michael didn't like the fact that someone else had been inducted into 5sos without him knowing first. Sure he hadn't been around for awhile but still.. Michael didn't like having to get used to new people. He didn't like change and that's all his life had been the past few months. Michael needed a break.

Calum parked in front of a large house. A house larger than anything Michael had ever lived in. A house that looked like Aunt Nancy's. That reminded him of Liz. Michael missed her so much. He really wished Nancy wouldn't have taken her away from him. But he couldn't change that now. This was a fresh start for Michael and he couldn't fuck this up. He needed this.

As they started unloading, Luke walked outside. "Well who the hell are you?" Luke joked. "Very funny Hemmings." Michael shot back. "Aye I'm just messing with you. It's really nice to see you again Mikey." Luke smiled and patted his shoulder. "You too, now help us carry."

They all moved the boxes inside within the hour. After everything was inside Calum said, "Hey Luke, I gotta go pick up Ash. Maybe you can fill Michael in on him. Ya know.." Calum trailed off. Luke nodded. "Gotcha, I'll let him know." Michael was instantly irritated. "Let me know what?" He said offensively. He hated being in the dark on stuff. "Hang on I'll tell you in a second." Luke said, plopping down on the couch. "Alright be back in twenty." Calum said, walking out. "What do I have to be filled in on?" Michael asked impatiently. Luke shifted uncomfortably. "Uhm.. Well.. Ashton's.." Luke sputtered. "Spit it out Hemmings." Michael rolled his eyes. "Okay, Ash is a little different. Like he's super sensitive and kind of in his head a lot." Luke said. "Great. Our new drummer is a mushy nut case." Michael huffed. "Michael! That's exactly what not to say around him. Basically just don't get too loud or pushy." Luke pursed his lips. "So basically don't be me?" Michael glared. "No no. Well kind of. Just don't make him uncomfortable. He's like a brother to Cal and I. Make it work between you two too, got it?" Luke pressed. "No promises." Michael huffed.

The last thing Michael needed was to change himself for one little dweeb who couldn't handle some sarcasm. He actually couldn't change. Most of the time he wish he could but he was who he was. Everyone including this Ashton needed to except that. No excuses. Michael didn't care if this guy was mentally unstable or not. Ashton was going to deal with whatever Michael dealt him.

About five minutes later Michael heard the front door open. He heard Calum whispering to someone. He looked over at the door. Calum smiled softly at the boy. "Ashton this is our good friend Michael. He's gonna be in the band with us." Ashton glanced in Michael's direction and gave a small, uncomfortable wave. Ashton was tall and lanky. He was in a sweatshirt and black jeans with black Vans as well. He was wearing a beanie on his head and had a pair of Beats headphone around his neck. He was pale, even paler than Michael. Ashton looked as though if the wind blew, he would crumple over and break. His whole presence disgusted Michael.

Ashton whispered something to Calum and Calum nodded. "Please come out for dinner though okay Ash?" Ashton nodded quickly and scurried down the hallway. Calum came and sat down on the couch next to Michael. "Well he's real talkative." Michael mused. Luke rolled his eyes. "He's shy. I told you that already." Luke objected. "Well a simple hello would have been suitable." Michael muttered. "Well you aren't exactly Mr. Social Butterfly." Calum shrugged. "Whatever." Michael crossed his arms, leaning his head back.

This Ashton kid already pissed him off. His friends were sticking up for some loser and grinding Michael to be nicer all of a sudden. He didn't like it one bit. Ash was gonna have to learn who he could mess with because Michael certainly wasn't it. Michael wasn't buying the whole "poor me" act. Something was disgusting about it and Michael would not tolerate it at all.


A/N Hey guys!! So I have a feeling that I'm really going to love writing this story.

If you wanna comment and say if you like the intro and story set up and everything so far, that'd be great! And yeah if you have anything else to say too. Go ahead and read, favorite, comment, and recommend it to others.

Alright nothing really else then. Thanks and ily guys:-)

Jamie Xx

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