Bruises, Broken Bones, and Stab Wounds! Oh My!

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 After a solid 15 minutes of poking, prodding, testing, and stretching. Lilly finally finishes your check up. "Well, how bad is it?" You ask. Lilly pulls out her clip board and starts to read out the list. "You have quite a few minor cuts and bruises, two cracked ribs and one broken rib, damaged vocal cords, and the main issue: A healing stab wound." You take a deep breath, taking it all in. Lilly continues, "Your ribs should heal quite quickly, just try and keep movement to a minimum for now. You vocal cords will never heal completely. I'm sure you've noticed by now the rasp and cracks in your voice?" You hadn't noticed that, but the more you think about it, the more you realize she's right. "Yeah I guess I have." "Good, sadly, that raspy crack will always be in your voice. Especially since this isn't your first vocal cord injury. But don't worry you can still talk just fine." You nod silently, allowing her to continue. "Finally for that stab wound. That will take the longest to heal. I strongly suggest you move as little as possible to ensure a faster recovery." Lilly smiles at you, placing a caring hand on your arm. "Don't worry, we'll take good care of you." You thank her, noticing the change in your voice. It's just as she described, raspy and full cracks. It's not pretty, but hey at least you're alive and here with Newt. Oh, Newt, you still need to go find him. Just as Lilly is about to leave to get you some solid food, you grab her attention, "Hey Lilly, while you're out there, would you mind sending Newt to come see me?" Lilly smiles with a gleam in her eye. "Of course!" And then, she is gone. You're surprised at how quickly you sink into your thoughts. You run through the memories of that night, trying to piece them all together. It hurts to remember, yet you keep going, trying to put together the puzzle. Piece after piece falls into place until finally, you have a picture. All that heartbreak and pain that Crank-Newt caused is quickly transformed into relief and love. He's here, he's safe, he's cured, and he's yours. You now have the opportunity to have a life with him. All those dreams you had in the maze or lying on the hot sand, they now can become reality. The opportunities are endless. You're free of WICKED, free from the flare. You're free to be who over you want to be. You can't wait to talk to Newt, to catch up on everything you missed and to talk about the future. But Lilly never comes back. 30 minutes quickly turns to an hour, then two hours, then three and so on. Eventually the sky grows dark and you haven't seen Lilly or anyone else. You're almost worried, but your frustration and hunger dominate that worry. You have to do something, you're not supposed to move, but you can't take any more of this.

 With aching muscles and throbbing wounds you slip one leg off the bed, then the other leg. Slowly you push yourself into a standing position. Your heart catches in your throat as you start to topple over. Your arm shoots out to the side grabbing the side of the bed for stability. You take a deep breath and you straighten your spine and stand still for a moment. You hold your breath and take a wary step forward. Your legs are shaking underneath the weight of the body it hasn't carried in weeks. But your legs push on. With each stride, you can feel the fatigue in your legs and pain in your ribs and stomach. But you continue on. After what feels like an entire trip through the scorch, you arrive at the entrance to the medical house. Cautiously, you push open the door peering out into the night. Shadows dance across your vision, created by the light of a huge fire in the center of the camp. Adults and kids alike are dancing and singing, enjoying what you assume is a celebration of sorts. You look around straining to see anyone you recognize. Across the crowd, face lit up by firelight, you spot Lilly. She's laughing and having a good time just like everyone else. Your anger spikes, you're astounded that she could completely forget about you in an instance. You suck in a deep breath allowing yourself to calm down and give her the benefit of the doubt. Slowly and painfully you walk over towards her. The closer you get, the more people start to notice you. But none of them say anything. They just stare as you limp along, struggling to walk. Half of you wishes they would have the brains to help, to see that you are in pain. But the other half knows that you would feel embarrassed if someone had to carry you over to her. You could do this yourself. When you get to be about ten feet away from Lilly, she starts to notice the shift in the mood of the crowd. Still pushing through the pain and fatigue, you push onward watching as Lilly starts to glance around, scanning the crowd. Her eyes move slowly, a questioning look on her face. Now all eyes except hers aryoue on you. Then her eyes meet yours. Her face blanches. "Y/n!?" Lilly stands to her feet, mouth gaping open. "Y/n, what on earth are you doing out here!? You're going to rip your stitches!" You sigh, putting on the most innocent face you can think of. "Oh, I was just getting some food. Since I hadn't had any yet." You say with a fake smile plastered across your face. Lilly looks genuinely confused. "You haven't eaten yet?" You shake your head still with a fake smile. "But... I ... He... I asked Newt to take you the food so he would come and see you!"

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