Pt 34:

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Author's note: This part is a bit longer seeing as it marks the end of the Scorch Trials movie. Please comment if you are enjoying my story, and I'd love suggestions to incorporate into the rest of the story. Please enjoy!

Janson responds to Thomas cautiously, "Thomas calm down." "Let us go!" "We can't do that Thomas," Ava says trying to reason with him. Now more than ever you wish you could see what on earth is going on. You hear Teresa's voice next and your anger returns. "Thomas please, I made them promise that we would be safe, all of us! We have to find a cure, don't you want to save your friends? Brenda and (y/n)? How long do you think they'll live? A week or more? We can save them. Save them for good." "Like I'm going to believe you. This Shank over there just threatened to kill all of them just minutes ago!" Thomas yells, with hurt in his voice. You hear Newts voice, and it sounds sad and painful. "What WICKED is doing is wrong. There is no cure." You can hear the hopelessness in his voice. Like he's already lost you. "Do you really want all of your friends to die?" Ava asks, her voice still calm. You hear Newts voice again, this time with resolve, "Do it, Tommy." "Do it we're ready," Minho says. Then Thomas's voice again "We're not going back there." Next is Ava's voice, "Thomas no!" The conversation is over and a new commotion begins. You hear the engine of a truck and screams. Two of the three, people guarding you run out of the airship as Janson, Ava, and Teresa run in. They quickly run into a more secure area of the ship. Having only one guard you decide that you'll go down with a fight. You kick the guard in the knee and as he falls to the ground you knee him in the face, hard. The guard is out cold and you run out of the ship. You run directly into another guard. Your hands are still cuffed so you swing both your fists at the side of his face, then kick him out of the way before you run to find your friends. You hear Newt call your name and run over to him. The two of you crouch behind a large crate and he places a protective hand on your lower back. He won't let you go again. Thomas throws a bomb in the direction of some soldiers. Now the guards are just trying to grab whoever they can and drag them into the ship. You follow Newt, traveling behind crate after crate. You see one of the guards grab Sonya, Aris screams after her, trying to help. It's no use, both of them are dragged into the ship. You and Newt finally reach where Thomas and the rest of your friends (besides Aris) are hiding. You sit huddled together, waiting in anticipation through the silence. Suddenly a group of soldiers spring into the hiding place, guns trained on you and your friends.

Everyone scatters like roaches. You run to the best of your ability with your still bound hands. Your heart skips a beat as you trip. Unable to catch yourself, you fall face first into the course musty sand. As you fall you let out a cry of shock, soon receiving a mouthful of sand. You sit up and spit sand out of your mouth while blinking the sand out of your eyes. Someone grabs you by the shoulders and starts dragging you. Panicked, you begin to writhe trying to force your way out of the firm grip. You fight back, sending your elbow into their stomach. You jump up to your feet and see Newt doubled over holding his stomach. "Newt! I'm so sorry!" This time you pull Newt behind a crate, struggling because of your bound hands. You turn your head just in time to see Minho electrocuted by one of the soldier's guns. You try to move, to run and help him, but Newt holds you back. "Newt let me go! Minho! They've got Minho!" He never loosens his grasp. You watch helplessly as the guards drag Minho's unconscious body into the ship as the doors close for the last time. The airship pulls away and your heart sinks. Following your heart, your knees sink to the ground as you slip from Newt's now loosened grip. Minho and Aris, two of your only friends, your family, are gone. Taken by WICKED. Just like WICKED takes everything, your memories, your home, your life. You feel defeated. Completely and utterly defeated. Everyone else gets out of their hiding places and silently exchange glances. Without a word, people begin cleaning up. Body after body, placed into haphazard sacks. You glance over at Vince as he pulls a bag over Mary's lifeless body. You never got to thank her for helping you. For giving you a few more days to live. Eventually, the sun rises over the horizon, casting a sad orange glow and the ruined camp. The camp that was once a beacon of hope, now it's just a memory of what could have been. After a long night of fighting, crying, mourning, hating, and wishing, you and the others sit down and rest your weary legs. Everyone sits in silence until Frypan asks the question on everyone's mind, "What now?"

Vince sits and thinks for a minute, sadness lining every crease on his face. You have only known him for a short time, but you feel for his pain. "Well, we'll pick up what's left of us, get you kids to the safe haven, then start over I guess," Vince says sadly. He's almost like a father to you, protecting you and your friends as if you are his own. You're not sure what to think. Starting over, making a new life, with Newt and Thomas and Fry. But your heart still aches from the loss of Minho. You know you can't save him on your own. Thomas stands up saying, "I'm not going with you. I made a promise to Minho. I won't leave him behind." You look to Newt, you want to believe that Minho can be saved, but WICKED is just too strong. You feel a now familiar burning hatred for WICKED well up inside of you. Newt seems to be in the same state as you, he says, "Listen to me, Thomas. I've known Minho for, well, as long as I can remember. So if there was any way for us to help him, trust me I'd be right there with you. But what you're thinking is impossible." "More like suicide," Jorge adds, standing up and walking over to the group. "Maybe, but it isn't just about Minho. It's about all of us, everyone WICKED has taken, everyone they will take. They'll never stop, so I'm gonna stop them. I'm gonna kill Ava Paige." Thomas says, something in his voice giving him power. You nod. Someone must stop them, or else it will never end. More kids taken, more lives ruined until there's none left. Then what? WICKED lives out the rest of their lives the blood of hundreds, maybe thousands of kids and families. Even now, the family you had just found, Newt, Thomas, Fry, even Brenda and Jorge, Minho and Aris. They took your friends away from you, they split up your family.  To your surprise, Harriet speaks up, "I've got to admit, I'd like some revenge." You know she's upset about the loss of Sonya and Aris. She feels the same loss for them that you feel for Minho. Maybe more. You give her a supportive nod, the turn back to Thomas. Fry stands up next to Thomas,  you and Newt doing the same. Even Brenda and Jorge seem onboard. Everyone looks expectantly to Vince and Harriet. After a moment of thought, Vince says, "Well, that's a good speech kid. What's your plan?"

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