Pt 22:

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Everyone says their final goodbyes to Winston. You didn't know him very well, and you regret not knowing him better. You crouch by his side and after a couple seconds of silence decide on what to say. "We have all been through so much together, even though we didn't talk much you were there, supporting every move we made, we wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. Thank you, I wish I could've known you better." You add a soft smile and squeeze his hand gently. "Thank you (y/n). I could tell from the beginning that you were special. Now go and be strong, be special." He replies with a heartbreaking week smile. You return the smile and turn to leave with tears in your eyes. As the last person says goodbye, everyone makes their way across the scorch. After you had gone a good distance from the last camp, you hear a gunshot and freeze. You use all of your strength to hold back tears, remembering his words 'be strong'. Without a word, the group begins walking again. You walk for hours and hours, the pain in your leg growing. Finally, the sun begins to sink as the air turns sweetly cold. A new place to camp is found and you sit down, this time a bit further away from the group. When you're sure that no one is looking, you roll up the leg of your leggings. It's not a pretty sight, a circle around the wound is black from bruising, and there's something yellow coming out of it. You wince as you pour a little water over it, trying to clean it. It's probably infected. You're not sure what to do about it. There's nothing in the middle of the desert that can clean it, but you know that it's only going to get worse. You just have to hope that you get to the Right Arm soon. You roll the leg of your pants down and walk over to the rest of the group, pretending that every step isn't killing you. For about an hour everyone is laughing and talking, eating their food, but there's a solemnity in everything. The loss of Winston weighing everyone down. Once everyone is done eating they get ready to go to sleep. You curl up next to Newt once more, as disturbing dreams about weirdly infected wounds and Winston, full crank chasing after you, fill your mind. Several days had passed, you finally finished telling Newt the story of how you escaped the maze, you both agreed that it wasn't just luck, the creators needed you for something. You had insane sunburns from the blistering heat, and your leg has gotten worse. The boys are just now starting to notice how your limp had gotten worse. You were now at a point of the desert where there were no more ruined buildings, no nothing. Just a barren empty wasteland. You slept on the flat ground, no protection over your head. Luckily it hadn't rained the whole time since you left WICKED. You are about to find out why that was something to fear. It's nighttime, and everyone is settling down to go to sleep. Newt lays his head down on his backpack, and he lets you lay your head on his chest. You feel the rhythmic rising and falling of his breath and listen to the constant beating of his heart. You turn your head to look up at Newt. He's looking up at the starry sky. You love everything about his face, his soft smile, his beautiful brown eyes, his quiet caring personality, they way he cared about every single Glader, everything. You knew that no matter what, you couldn't lose him, you would protect him and he would protect you. You start to imagine what your life could've been like if the maze hadn't happened. What kind of future could you have once you reach the right arm? Newt notices that you're looking at him and smiles at you. "What are you thinking about." He says in that perfect accent. "You." "What about me?" "Everything." He blushes a bit and you giggle. You lay there looking into his eyes until you're completely lost in them. Newt smiles softly and leans in for a kiss. Your lips meet and it's soft and sweet. You feel the same sparks firing throughout your body. You break apart and smile at him. You shift back to the original position of your head on his chest. The rising and falling of his breath making you fall asleep, This time dreams of Newt fill your mind, dreams of a future, dreams of a time where it can be just you and him, no one else. It was perfect. That is until you are woken up by screams.

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