Pt 10:

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You turn the corner and taking everything all in at once. Massive disgusting Grievers fill the corridor, already there are a couple dead bodies on the ground. You see Thomas and Minho a good way ahead of you now fighting their way towards the exit. You look for Newt but you can't see him through the frenzy of blades and blood. Suddenly a Griever comes towards you and you pull out your sword and hack at the creature. You slow it down long enough to run around it, making your way towards the exit. As you run you are constantly ducking and dodging Griever blades. You see Fry Pan pinned down by a Griever and you come up behind it and distract it. The Griever now turns on you but your sword is stuck in its slimy flesh. You pull out your knife and run into a slide. As you slip underneath the beast you slash through its stomach, killing it. You turn and see the Thomas and a few others have almost made it to the exit. You start to run to follow them when you're tackled by a Griever from the side. You get up as quickly as you can pain shooting up from the gash in your stomach as the stitches ripped apart. You back away down aside corridor as the Griever follows you with two more close behind it. Your back hits a wall. You're trapped, cornered by three Grievers. You brace yourself, knife in hand, ready to fight until the end. As the first Griever lunges at you slide under it getting up and climb the ivy on the wall. When you get to a good point you jump onto the Griever's body shoving your knife as far as you can into its flesh. The Griever rolls over pinning you to the ground. The Griever reaches back one of its nasty blades to give the final blow. You close your eyes and think of Newt. In your mind, you see his beautiful eyes, his sweet smile. You imagine him laughing, and talking in his soothing accent. Warmth fills your heart and spreads its way throughout your body filling you to the brim. But now, you would never be able to tell that you loved him too. This was it, this is the end. You open your eyes onmore just in time to see the blade coming down on you. You're not dead. "How am I not dead?" You ask yourself. It all happened so fast. You were laying there, a goner, but then you fell. The floor had opened up beneath you and you fell to the ground. The hole wasn't large enough for the Griever. You can see it now, standing above you but it can't reach you. You stand up and look around. You're in a hallway, barely lit by dim flickering lights. You hear sounds coming from the left so you follow the hallway in that direction. As you round a corner your heart drops. Dead bodies are everywhere. It looks like a war zone. You hear shouting further down the hallway and continue following the sound. You hear gunshots and you begin to question if you should be following the sounds, but what if it's your friends? As you get closer the sounds get louder. Another scream, now crying. The sound is so sad, you begin to walk faster. More shouting. You finally turn the corner just in time to see your friends being taken away by people in full battle gear with guns. "Wait! Stop!" You shout out to them but it's no use they can't hear you. You look down in defeat just to see Chuck, lying on the ground, dead. You didn't know Chuck very well but he was the youngest. He could be annoying at times but he was the sweetest kid you would ever know. You sink down to your knees and begin to cry. "He didn't deserve this, none of us deserved any of this." You thought to yourself. "There's another one!" You hear a man's voice and look up. You see a smaller group of people, they look the same as the ones who took your friends, coming towards you. The grab you by the arms and lead you to a helicopter. You get one last glimpse of the room, you see one thing that stands out. A woman, dead on the ground. She had a gunshot wound in her head and a gun in her hand. She had killed herself. You didn't know why, but it seemed important. You climb into the helicopter and as it flies away, you see the maze, in all of its complexity. You made it. You were free.

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