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 Newt didn't even know someone had brought Y/n back to the berg. Could he just be imagining this? Newt opens his eyes and rolls over on the bench to face the group. "What?" All heads pop up to look at Newt, eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights. Newt sits up and when no one answers him, he repeats firmly, "What. Did. You. Say?" Jorge looks up at Newt with eyes full of concern, "Y/n is still alive. She has a pulse, but she isn't breathing." Newt looks at the man, astounded. How did no one think to check for a pulse? Newt looks down at Y/n's body. She's still bleeding from the knife wound, but the bleeding has slowed considerably. Without a second thought, Newt jumps to his feet and starts to wobble over to y/n's side. But he is interrupted when his face meets something solid. Minho. "Move Minho." Minho looks at Newt, eyes filled with sadness. "That's probably not the best idea right now. You need to rest until Thomas comes back with the cure." Anger flares up in Newt's mind, "What!? You think I'm just going to sit around while Y/n is sitting on the ground bleeding to death!? Let me past Minho!" "I can't do that Newt, you need to sit down." Minho grabs Newt by the shoulders and shoves him back onto the bench. Newt hangs his head, then looks up at Minho with tears welling up in his eyes. "You don't trust me do you? You think I'll attack her again." Newt's voice is sad and full of defeat. Minho looks at the poor broken boy. He's been through so much. Minho's heart aches as Newt's blackened eyes stare deep into his soul. This is just a shell of his friend. "Newt, that's not it. You need to rest." Newt's sadness morphs into anger so fast it startles Minho. "Don't lie to me! You think I'm going to bloody kill her! I need to help! This is all my fault..." Newts voice falters again and he sinks his head down into his hands and starts to sob. Minho sits next to his friend and wraps a comforting arm around him.

Minho: It's so strange seeing Newt like this. He acts mostly normal baring occasional bursts of anger, but he looks like a full-fledged Crank. His eyes still blackened, the black liquid still dripping down his chin, his body is covered in welts and sores. Minho knows Thomas needs to get back soon, Newt's stability won't last long. Minho watches as Fry cuts the lower half of Y/n's shirt to pull out Newt's dagger. Minho had to suppress a gasp when he sees the damage. She's covered in nasty looking bruises with both fresh and dried blood. She's lost a lot of blood, too much blood. Newt starts to mutter something under his breath.

Newt: "I'm so sorry. Y/n please don't leave me. If only you would have gone to get the cure, Thomas could've stayed. Thomas would've killed me. Oh please Y/n just hold on. I need you. This is all my fault. All my fault. How could I have let this happen? It was supposed to be me. It was always supposed to be me. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.

 Thomas: A dull grey light invades Thomas's eyes after a short-forced sleep. Thomas remembers it all. Janson shot Ava, then Janson came after Thomas. Janson had moved slowly, then told Thomas she should've run. Then Janson stabbed Thomas's neck wit some sort of serum, forcing him into a deep sleep. But now, Thomas is awake and Teresa's lovely face is staring down at him. "Teresa, what's going on?" Teresa doesn't respond, she simply looks down at Thomas's arm. Thomas follows her gaze to find not only her drawing his blood, but he's also tied down to the table. Thomas jerks his body, trying to force his way out of the restraints. "It's no use Thomas." Says a cruel voice from behind him. Thomas stops moving, anger filling him. "Janson." The Rat-man moves to be in Thomas's view. "Hello Thomas." Janson turns to face Teresa, "is it done yet?" Teresa sighs, and in a fake perky voice she says, "Almost done."

Minho: One look at Gally tells Minho everything he needs to know. Gally is the one who carried Y/n here. He's covered in her blood. Minho can barely watch as Fry slides the blade out from Y/n's gut. He expects blood to come gushing from the wound but barely a drop of blood follows the blade. That can mean only one thing, there's no more blood for her to lose. Fry wraps her torso in bandages, hoping for the best. After several minutes of Jorge using some sort of inflatable bag to fill Y/n's lungs with air, he checks for a pulse once more. "I've lost her pulse." Jorge looks up at Minho with fear in his eyes then continues, "We're losing her!" Minho looks to his broken friend. The poor boy is a mess. He turns to look at Minho with the most pitiful, gut-wrenching, heart-breaking, soul-crushing, sad eyes, brimming with tears. Minho pulls the boy into a hug. He hears Jorge shout behind him, "Brenda, go get the defibrillator!" Defibrillators are made to re-start the heart with electric shocks. This shakes their whole body while the electricity jerks through their body. Minho had seen one of these used before back at WICKED'S headquarters. Some guy lost consciousness after one of the tests, he almost died. But that's not what scared Minho. The image of the boy's body jerking with each electric shock would haunt him forever. Minho can't let Newt watch that happen to Y/n, things are already bad enough. "Come on Newt, let's get this thing in the air. We'll go get Thomas and leave this shuck place. The sooner we get o the Right-Arm, the sooner Y/n can get some real help." Newt nods and follows Minho through the door to the cockpit, closing the door behind him right as the first electric shock jumps into Y/n's body.

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