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DESCRIPTION: I love you.

WARNING: Events of Episode 3


The music room was dim. The only source of light was the green painted jam jars with tea lights in them. Louis had two of the jar illuminating his piano, allowing him to see which keys to press.

Aasim sat on the couch in the music room, his journal open in his lap, the pen in between his teeth as he thought of something to write. He hummed along to the tune which Louis played on the piano. The song had grew to be one of his favourites, especially considering the way which Louis played it. Louis added his own little twist, making it more memorable for him.

Louis ended up pressing the wrong key, an awful sound messed up the song he played. He let out a small huff as he looked down to the keys in disappointment, before he started to play the song again from the beginning.

Aasim quickly looked up from his journal, his eyes lingering on the back of Louis. He smiled at the male. Louis had been through recently, losing his best friend, being kidnapped, having his tongue cut out, but he was still always optimistic and full of joy. Delta never took that away from him.

Aasim sighed contently as he watched Louis, his journal forgotten. He allowed his mind to wander, to the memories which he shared with Louis over the years, some where happy and some were sad. Yet, they all meant something to him.

Maybe won't you take it back?
Say you were tryna make me laugh
And nothing has to change today
You didn't mean to say 'I love you'

Louis' shoulders shook as he laughed, his chair leg swinging at his side. His mouth was held in a permanent smile as he watched Aasim walk in front of him, shaking his head at another 'stupid' joke.

"Come on," Louis spoke in between laughter, watching the back of Aasim's head, "That joke wasn't that bad."

Aasim quickly looked over his shoulder, raising an eyebrow at the male, "That one was worse than the badger joke you told me two days ago."

Louis took a small jog up to Aasim's side, grinning down at him, he punched him playful with his free arm, "You love my jokes, Sim. Don't lie, everyone knows you love my jokes."

Aasim scoffed as he shook his head, continuing to walk down the trail. He looked up to Louis, a small smile forming in his lips, "Some of your jokes are good. Then some of them don't even make sense," he paused as he came to a stop so he could look at Louis properly, "And some of them are about me, which I find rude at times."

Louis tilted his head, "I don't joke about you," he was confused, he never joked about Aasim and he wouldn't dream of it. Louis frowned, "You know I love you right? I wouldn't dream of joking about you."

Aasim didn't say a word to him. He was too busy processing the fact that Louis had told him that he loved him. It was never clarified on how Louis loved him. Louis was only saying it to make him laugh right?

So, rather than speaking, Aasim nodded his head. He didn't want to make a fool of himself and say he loves him back, in case he faces pure rejection. And also, he didn't want to lose his friendship with Louis.

Louis smiled as he playfully punched Aasim, "Glad to know that you know how I feel about you then."

The smile that you gave me
Even when felt like dying

Aasim physically felt his heart drop in his chest when the gut-wrenching sounds of Louis being tortured stopped. He could feel his throat clenching, hurting whenever he gulped. He felt a tear trickle on his cheek, causing a hand to swiftly move up, rubbing it away. Aasim didn't want Omar to see him cry.

Louis' cell door swung open, Dorian left, shaking her head as she moodily locked the door back up. She spat insults out about the teenage boy, before making her way down the corridor, sending an evil glare in Aasim's direction.

Aasim waited until he couldn't hear Dorain anymore, before he clung to the rusting door. His forehead rested up against the bars, his eyes clenched shut as he composed himself. He didn't know what to expect.

Aasim opened his mouth, a small shaky breath leaving it, as he tighten his hands around the bars, some of the rust began stabbing his hands. "Lou?" he whispered.

He kept his eyes shut as he lifted his head. Aasim pushed himself up on his tiptoes, trying to see further into Louis' cell. "Lou?" He whispered again in more desperation, a tear rolling down his face as the nickname rolled from his tongue.

Aasim frowned when Louis' head popped up at the door. The male in the other cell, pulled himself up, revealing the blood which surrounded his mouth. A gasp left Aasim's lips, his heart breaking even more. "W-what? I-I'm sorry, Lou."

Pain glistened in Louis' brown eyes, a force smile made its way to his lips as he watched Aasim. Louis was trying to be strong, yet Aasim knew it was a façade.

Aasim breathed, shaking his head at the boy, more tears falling, "I'm so sorry Lou. I'm sorry." He cried quietly.

Aasim closed his journal slowly as he stood up. He placed it gently down on the couch before walking up behind Louis. Placing a gentle hand on Louis shoulder he smiled, Louis slowly turned his head, to look at Aasim's hand.

Louis stopped playing the song as he slide up the bench. His hand patted the wooden seat for Aasim, urging him to sit down with him. Aasim sat for him. Louis looked at Aasim's hands and then to the ivory keys. Aasim knew what Louis was saying, he wanted him to join him.

"You know I can't play piano, Lou," Aasim chuckled. Louis raised an eyebrow at him before pointing to the key which Aasim needed to press. "Press all the keys you point to?"

Louis nodded his head as he pointed at the key still, smiling when Aasim finally did it. He moved to the next, and Aasim pressed it. Louis held a grin on his face as he watched Aasim play the piano, he might not be the best at it, but practice makes perfect.

Aasim kept chuckling to himself as he watched Louis point to a new key all the time. He never expected this was the way he'd learn piano.

"Lou?" Aasim whispered when they finally stopped with the piano for a moment. Louis turned to look at him, a questioning look on his face, "Do you remember when we was hunting together? And you told me you loved me?"

Louis slowly nodded his head. Louis remembered that day quite clearly in his head.

Aasim gulped as he played with his hands, "W-well... Did... did you mean it?" His eyes were down, he was nervous to find the answer out.

Louis placed a finger under Aasim's chin, brining their eyes to meet. Louis once again slowly nodded his head. Louis did mean it. He did love Aasim.

"You did mean it?" Aasim asked again as Louis nodded his head at a faster rate. Aasim smiled.

Louis frowned before pointing at Aasim.

You? Aasim was confused.

Ignoring the confused expression, Louis kept doing what he planned. He made his hands into heart.

Heart. Love? Aasim knew where this was going.

Louis ended it by pointing at himself.

Aasim smiled, you love me? was what Louis had asked him.

He slowly nodded his head, Louis watching his every move. "I think so. Yeah." Louis raised his eyebrows, he wanted to hear him say it in the correct way. Aasim sighed, "I love you too."

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