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DESCRIPTION: How many times can one endure a pain much worse than death?

WARNING: Swearing / Blood / E3 events.


"Get the fuck off me," Y/N shouted as she was being dragged by the hood of her ash grey hoodie. The women which went by the name of Dorian was the one which was doing the dragging. The older women hadn't cared to wait for the girl to wake up, not did she bother to keep her in pristine condition like she was supposed to. Y/N balled her first, banging the floor either side of her as she struggled to breath, "Let me go, you evil bitch!"

Dorian scoffed, opening up the door which was diagonal across from where Aasim and Omar were locked up and threw her in. The older women's face twisted into a sadistic smirk as she saw the girl double over, coughing for her breath. The sound of mental scraping echoed in the small room, the signalling that they were now officially prisoners to the Delta and they weren't leaving the room any time soon - unless Clementine and the rest showed up to save the day.

Shuffling of footsteps were heard outside of the door and down the corridor. A hushed whisper tone was pasted back and forth between two people. One of the voices belongs to Minerva, a voice in which Y/N had thought she'd never hear again consider she was declared dead by Marlon and Brody over a year ago. Y/N couldn't hear a thing which they were saying, only what sounded like coded names for people which meant something to them but not to the Ericson group.

"Y/N?" Louis whispered from behind the girl. At the sound of his voice, Y/N turned around, a beaming grin plastered over her face as she saw the boy which wore his beloved trench coat. Louis crouched down, enveloping her into a tight hug, his chin resting on her shoulder, "You don't understand how happy i am to see you".

Y/N nodded into him, not daring to remove her arms from his tall frame, "Im so sorry. I tried helping you but i made us both get captured. I fucked up, I really did".

Louis laughed lightly, "Don't beat yourself up. At least you tried to help me. I thank you enough for that".

Y/N pulled away from the hug first and began to rest of the heels of her feet, smiling at Louis. "At least we're together right now. And not in separate rooms," Y/N scratched the back of her neck looking around the very bland room, "Did they take your deck of cards?"

Louis patted down his pockets, trying to locate the rectangular box. He soon came to the realisation that they had indeed took his cards, luckily enough he had enough deck at home - that's if they make it. Louis nods his head and then lowers it in disappointment, "They took my deck of cards".

"Them bastards," Y/N laughed, making Louis laugh with her. The way she said it was in a joking matter but could be taking literal considering the situation they were in, "Now what on earth are we meant to do. Sit here and wait?"

"I suppose," Omar called out from across the way. Louis and Y/N both got to their feet and moved over to the door, their hands wrapping around the bars on it. Omar and Aasim were doing the exact same, looking in the direction of their friends. "I mean, what else are we meant to do?"

"Are you even meant to be standing?" Louis and Y/N asked at the same time, the two then nudging each other in a playful manner - their way of saying jinx.

Aasim rolled his eyes, "Ive told him to stay sitting down but he's a persistent one. But no".

Omar poked Aasim in annoyance, "Dude, i'm standing right besides you. I have ears".

Y/N rolled her eyes and back away from the door. She could still hear the miniature argument Aasim and Omar were having, the points within it was bizarre and unnecessary but they make her chuckle every now and then when one which reply with something out of the blue, she swore she could hear the perplexed look in their faces.

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