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DESCRIPTION: Swapping sides can be the thing which either makes you or breaks you.

WARNING: Swearing / Death.


"I'm ordering you stay with Minerva," Dorian raised her voice; the authority was noticeable in it to anyone which knew her. "If any of these act up, it's your responsibility to put them straight. And for god sakes, make sure Minerva doesn't try anything with her old girlfriend".

"Yes, ma'am," Y/N replied without making eye contact, her hands were wrapped tightly around her crossbow, her feet slightly shuffling, "I won't let you down".

Dorian placed a hand on the girls shoulder, Y/N had to repress the need to flinch. The young girl had always hated her new family touching her, it reminded her when they took her away from her original family, from the people which she cared about. But she knew if she showed one sense of longing for her past life, she would be punished - and she didn't want that, not with the ways the Delta punishes people.

Y/N watched at Dorian dismissed herself, leaving the room, so the only occupants inside now being; Minerva, Y/N and the prisoners they had collected from Ericson. Y/N peered over her shoulder, her eyes trailing on Minerva who was walking around in a small circle, muttering to herself about how she can stay calm - her former girlfriend must have hit hard to home.

Y/N took a deep breath, then began to walk down towards the prison cells, wanting to keep up to date about the situation she is in. Y/N looked into the cell on the right, the ones which held two males inside. She had watched how her group had dragged the two in, being more violent with the one which had a wounded leg.

The one who wasn't wounded looked at the girl, a dirty look thrown her way. She wanted to apologise, to inform him that it was going to be okay and if they just listened to what they were told then no harm would be done to them. But even if Y/N did that, she knew deep down she would by lying. She couldn't foresee the future, she couldn't see the events which were to happen for when they made it 'home'. Y/N knew as much as a newborn baby at this point - absolutely nothing.

"How's his leg?" Y/N asked, pointing to the male which was sitting on the make shift bed. She could see how he was cradling his leg, the bullet obviously still buried deep within the human flesh, "I would advise him to apply pressure to it. If needs be, i have a make shift bandage. That's if you'd want it, from me".

The wounded males friend walked to the door, closing his eyes for a moment before looking side to side - obviously being alert for Minerva. "Are you allowed to do that? For us?"

Y/N looked down to where Minerva stood, she was still in the same position she was when Y/N had first checked on her, walking in a circle. Y/N nodded and stuck her hand into her pocket, pulling out a handy rag she uses to rid her face of walker blood. She threads her small hand through the gap in the door, dropping the fabric into his hand.

The male takes it, only for Y/N to hold his wrist, "Just make sure Dorian or Minerva doesn't see it, okay? This will get me in trouble".

She backed away from the door, peeking her head into the next door, the one which had the small child and the male with the dreadlocks. She could see how the small child was looking at her and she didn't blame him. If she was in his small shoes, she would be doing the same. To him, she was the enemy. To her, he was the enemy.

"Y/N. Have you seen Dorian?" Minerva shouted down the hall way. Her voice had startled Y/N, this was evident when she jumped as she turned around, a suspicious impression on her face, yet Minerva turned a blind eye to it. Y/N shrugged, the response being open, allowing the girl interpret it however she needed it to be. Obviously, the response wasn't good enough for the last standing twin as she rolled her eyes and groaned, "If you're not going to be any help, then i'll find her myself. Just make yourself useful and keep an eyes on these people".

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