Chapter 15: Atlantia

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Once out of the aircraft, I opened my wings and began to fly toward Heimdall. I knew exactly where he would be so I flew as fast and as stealthy as I could. I could see Hela pounding on the door that was hiding the citizens of Asgard. I landed behind the mountain in which they were hiding. I found an opening in the mountain that was not big enough to lead people out of but it could be. Before I began, I sent a mind message to Heindall alerting him to my plan. I then closed my eyes and began to silently move the rocks to make an opening wide enough for everyone to get through. I could hear footsteps and voices coming closer as I moved the rocks to make an opening. Once I felt it was big enough, I opened my eyes. I saw thousands of Asgardian citizens who I could tell were not the warriors of the city. I was immediately sadden because I should have done something to save those men. I beckoned for them to exit and Heimdall shouted at them to get moving. They are began to rush out as fast as they could without trampling someone. I looked at Heimdall who were helping women and children through the opening and nodded for him to lead the group. He nods in response and runs toward the front.

"We must keep moving. Go to the Bifrost." He yells as he runs toward the front. I continue to help people through the opening. Once the last person was through, I closed the opening amd turned to face the fading group as the walk towsrd the Bifrost. I summon a shield and cast it over the citizens so they would be protected. Nothing would be able to breach the shield unless I am killed or I let them. I open my wings and jump into the air heading in the direction if the palace to help Thor. As I arrive closer into the palace, I see off in the distance Valkyrie's ship firing at Fenris, Hela's dog. I want to help but I know they can handle it and that my shield should protect the Asgardian citizens. I flew straight into the throne room landing softly without Thor and Hela noticing me.

"So simple. Even a blind man could see it."Hela spat at Thor before slicing her blade across his face ripping out his eye. Thor screams in pain.

"Now you remind me of Dad." Hela states. I reveal myself just then.

"Daughter," She cries happily, "Come to help finish him off?"

"You forget mother," I say mother with disgust written in my voice, "he is also my father and you are destroying a place I considered home and the people family. You are not my mother."

She growls at me before launching herself at me. She launches attack after attack but I block every single one of them. I could see Thor trying to get to his feet to help me. I send a little healing power to him but I can't do much since I am trying to keep the shield around the Asgardian citizens up. I begin to ignore Thor in order to focus in the fight in front if me. She pushes me out onto the balcony. Her mistake. I open my wings and fly above her to attack her from the air. Then I hear a rumble and Hela and I look out into the distance and see Loki standing on a super-cruiser that I guess used to be owned by the Grandmaster.

"Your savior is here." I hear him yell. I smile but I hear Hela growl in anger.

"That little shit." She then continues to fight me and I continue to block every punch.

"A valiant effort but you never stood a chance." Hela spat out when she knocked me down with a good punch.

"You see? I'm not a queen or a monster..." Hela says but then I remember Odin's words to Thor before he faded. I sent an image of Odin at the cliff at a reminder to Thor.

"I'm the Goddess of Death." Hela finishes, "What is your precious dad the god of again?" She smirks as she says this.

I look at Thor, "Dad, how can I control lightning without a hammer and I am only your daughter? You do not need a hammer to control your powers." I send one last image of Odin at the cliff and all hell breaks loose. Thor screams and a huge storm instantly forms. A lightening bolt engulfs us three but then Hela is thrown out of the lightning bolt roughly onto the streets of Asgard. Thor launches himself out off the balcony with lightning following behind him and straight into a herd of  Hela's undead army that was terrorizing the escaping Asgardians. I watch from the balcony as he tears through the army like nothing. I look off to one side and I could see Valkyrie eaisly destroying the undead soldiers. I look into the middle of the pack and I was able to see Heimdall and Loki working to make sure the Asgardians are safe as they board the aircraft. I smile at the sight before jumping off the balcony to join the group. I fly over multiple soldiers before dropping in the middle of a group of them. I crouch and unleash an earthquake energy and I send the entire group of soldiers off the bridge. I form sharp rocks to impale the soldiers as they drop into the water. I get up and summon a sword before turning and fighting a nearby soldier. I easily disarm him before stabbing him through the heart. Learning from their comrade's death, the group of soldiers begin to fight me in groups of four. I block one soldier's sword before blasting another off the bridge and impaling him with the sharpened rock. The soldier who I blocked the sword with, tries another attack and I duck and before he could recover. I then swung my sword and neatly cut off his head. The next two soldiers I easily kill by creating sharpened ice from the water vapor in the air and impaling them straight through the heart. I then realized something. Hela is my mother. I closed my eyes and sent my thoughts toward her soldiers. I began to order them to stand down. I heard gasps of shock and I open my eyes to find that the soldiers had stopped fighting and all stood attention while staring at me. They were waiting for orders. Thor, Loki, and Valkyrie all gathered next to me.

"This isn't over." I hear Valkyrie say looking toward the palace. I look at the far side of the bridge closer to the palace and I see Hela angrily walking toward us.

"I think we should disband the Revengers." Thor saids.

"Hit her with a lightning bolt." Loki says a tad panicked.

"I just hit her with the biggest lightning blast in the history of lightning bolts." Thor thundered.

"We need to hold her off until everybody's on board." Valkyrie said. Thor turns toward the boarding Asgardians.

"It won't end there. The longer Hela's on Asgard the more powerful she grows. She'll hunt us down. We need to stop her here and now." Thor exclaims.

"What's our move?" Valkyrie asks looking at Thor.

"I'm not doing 'Get Help'," Loki declared. I look at him curiously.

"Asgard not a's a people." Thor begins, "This was never about stopping was about causing Ragnorak." He then turns to me and Loki," You two, go to the vault. Surtur's crown. It's the only way."

As Loki says, "Bold move brother. Even for me," I take a quick glance at the future and I realize he's right.

"Thor's right," I say. I turn toward the undead army since they were still in my control although I could feel Hela trying to gain back control.

"Help Thor and Valkryie occupy Hela." I order them before grabbing Loki's hand and using vapor travel, Loki and I disappear.

The Daughter of the Gods Book 2: More HardshipsWhere stories live. Discover now