Chapter 5: Atlantia

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"What are you guys doing here?" I ask the three of them. I watch as they look at each before Pietro responds.

"Have you seen the news regarding the Soviet Accords meeting?" He asks.

I frown, "No I have been in the ocean since I left you guys."

"Well when you left, that was four days ago. A lot has happened since then." Pietro begins.

"Go on," I tell him.

"Well, Natasha, Tony, Rhodey, Vision all signed the Accords or at least support it and the rest of us meaning Wanda, Steve, Sam, and myself don't agree with it. This kinda caused some tension between the team." Pietro explains.

"And what about Clint?" I ask nodding my head towards him.

"I owe Steve a favor and he is cashing in." Clint responds.

"Anyway that's not the only news," Wanda says, "During the signing of the Accords, a bomb exploded in the room and evidence showed Bucky, Steve's friend, as the bomber but Steve found out that is was all a set up because Bucky was brainwashed to become the winter soldier. The doctor who orchestrated the entire thing did it to get information on the other winter soldiers. Steve and the rest of us need your help but if you join us you become a fugitive since Tony and the rest of the people who believe in the Sokovia's Accords are being sent after us."

"I'm in." I say after a moment of taking a look into the future," Where are we going?"

"Germany but first we have to make a pit stop." Clint tells me.

"Where?" I ask again.

"San Francisco." Clint finally tells me.

"Well, that's just a hundred miles that way and it would take too long with California traffic to drive so we can swim." I tell them." Well actually Pietro and Wanda you can run and Clint and I will meet you there." They nod but Clint just stares at me.

"How do you think it's going to be faster with me swimming?" He says scared. I just look at him and walk toward my safe house. All of them follow close behind. I open the door and enter into the living room and walk toward a shelf on the opposite side of the fireplace. I open a small box and pull out a necklace that has different colored shells, pearls, and coral on it.

"This necklace has an enchantment over it so whoever wears it will be able to breathe underwater." I tell Clint handing it to him.," I will be in my siren form so as long as you hold my hand and don't let go, you will be fine." Clint looks at the necklace and takes a deep breathe before putting the necklace on.
Pietro then looks at me and asks,"Where do you want to meet."

"Meet me at the Golden Gate Bridge." I tell him after thinking for a second. He smiles then says "race you there"before grabbing Wanda and running off. I just smile and drag Clint to the beach. I pull him into the water with him complaining about ruining his clothes. I feel my transformation happen right when I step in the water. Once it finishes, I make sure I have Clint's hand before propelling forward into the water. I used my power to make the water push us faster through the water. In about 20minutes, I was able to arrive below the Golden Gate Bridge. I stare at up at before Clint speaks.

"Now how are we going to get there?" He asks a tad annoyed.

"Like this." I say cryptically before ordering the water to raise us to the Golden Gate Bridge. As we arrived at the top, I see Pietro and Wanda waiting for us. I step out of the water elevator with Clint and turn toward him to dry him off.
"We beat you." Pietro smirked.

I laughed," If Tony wasn't able to track me when I shadow traveled or vapor traveled, then I would have beat you."

Before Pietro could respond, his sister interrupted, "Enough. Clint where do we need to go?"

"Follow me." Clint said.

Clint led us to a nice townhouse in the middle of San Francisco. He walked straight up to the front door and knocked. The door open to reveal a man who looked very sleep deprived even though it was like eleven in the morning.

"Hey Scott. You probably know who we are. Sam sent me." Clint says when the door opens.

"What are you guys doing here?" Scott said looking a little disoriented and shocked.

"May we come in?" Clint asks. He nods and beckons for us to come in and sit on the couch. As I enter, I see these human-sized ants doing human tasks all through out the room. After we  were all settled, Clint begins to explain the situation.

"So, Captain America wants your help. Are you willing to help us?" Clint finishes. I look at Scott hoping he is willing to help.

"Yeah," Scott says, "I am definitely willing to help Captain America. I mean he's...CAPTAIN AMERICA!"

"Great," I tell him," Grab your suit and let's go." He immediately runs and grabs a case which I guess contains his suit. I offer my hand to him and Pietro who was sitting right next me. Scott takes my hand and looks at me curiously.

"You don't have any motion sickness right?" I ask Scott.

"No..." Scott responds confused.

"Good," I breathed a sigh of relief, "You may feel weird but that feeing will quickly disappear."

"What do you mean?" He asks with a hint of fear in his voice. I don't ask him. I just close my eyes and melt into the vapor in the air vaguely aware of Scott screaming. I arrive in an airport where I see Steve, Sam, and Bucky waiting for us. I watch as Scott throw up in a bush before shaking Steve's hand.

"Mr. Lang." Cap says.

"It's an honor. I'm shaking your hand too long," Scott says in amazement, "Wow! This is amazing. Captain America. Jeez, Ah look, I wanna say, I know you know a lot of super people, so...Think for thanking of me." He turns and sees Sam.

"Hey man," Scott waves at him.

"What's up Tic Tac?" Sam says in reply.

"Uh, good to see you. Look what happened last time when I..." Scott begins.

"It was a great audition, but it''ll never happen again." Sam interrupts.

"They tell you what we're up against." Steve says directing the conversation back to the the more important topic.

"Something about some...psycho-assassins." Scott says scratching his hand.

"We're outside the law on this one. So if you come with us, you're a wanted man." Steve warned.

"Yeah, well, what else is new." Scott casually said.

"We should get moving." Bucky said joining the conversation.

"We got a chopper lined up." Sam said. Then on the intercom we hear someone speaking German. I listen in and I frown.

"They are evacuating the airport." I translate them.

"Stark." Sam states.

"Stark?" Scott questions.

"Suit up." Steve orders.

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