Chapter 2: Atlantia

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"I'm on it." I hear Natasha say. I look using my powers to see the future because I don't want any deaths from this mission.

I was standing off to the side and I watched as Natasha takes out many soldiers with her Widow's bites. Out of nowhere, Rumlow grabs her collar from behind and starts to drag her onto a car. She zaps him on his neck but gets no response.

"I don't work like that no more." Rumlow tells her before opening the hatch to the armored car and throwing her in. He drops a grenade in and shuts the hatch."

I snap out of it and I look at the building and I see that all the gas is out of the builing and Wanda is helping Sam so I shadow travel to Natasha. I arrive to her just in time to see Rumlow throw a grenade into the hatch and shut it.

"Fire in the hole," He yells jumping off the vehicle. I vapor travel into the vehicle and grab Natasha and vapor traveled right out. As I appear, I see the vehicle blow up. I look at Natasha.

"Still want to bench my powers?" I ask her smiling. Then I hear on the comms:

"Sam, he's in an AFV heading north." Steve states. I nod at Natasha and she gets on her motorcycle and starts to drive. I release my wings and shoot into the sky. I see Sam in the distance lands onto a roof.

"I got four, they're splitting up." He observes. I look to the street and see Natasha and Steve running across the top of cars.

"They ditched their gear. It's a shell game now. One of them had the payload." Steve tells us. I see something get thrown up in the air and explodes. I look below it and see Steve fighting Rumlow. I was about to engage when I hear:

"He doesn't have it. I'm empty." Sam says over the comms. I spot Natasha chasing her two soldiers. Pietro comes out of nowhere and runs between the two men and I hear over the comms.

"I have the vial." Pietro says breathless. I start to fly to Steve. I am right above him when Rumlow says:

"... and you're coming with me." I see him activate his bomb vest. I was about to stop it when Wanda contains the blast around Rumlow who grimaces in agony. She lifts him into the air but I see her lose control and the explosion blossoms devasting many entire floors of the nearby building. I can vaguely hear Steve on comms but I just tune him out and fly straight to the building. I summon my control over water and fire. I use my control over fire to contain the fire and then the water to put it out. I was able to put it out very quickly before I flew straight into the building and began to lift the injured out of the building. I found a lot of dead bodies. I brought them outside and paramedics had already begun trying to heal the injured but I just began to sing even though I knew I could probably die from raising and healing this many people.

Ocean hear my cry

let your power in me shine

Reverse the clock

heal what once was fine

Save the ones was hurt

Change the fate's design

heal what once was fine

bring back what once was mine

As I sang the last line, I watched as the ones who were injured had their wounds heal and the ones who had died breathe again. I smile. I did it. I felt incredibly dizzy but I can still see so many thankful looks from families, and the Avengers before I close my eyes and let the darkness take me.

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