{10} after hours 🌊

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When the sun started to dive into the horizon, Jungkook prepared to leave the beach. His first day had been peaceful and uneventful, just like he wanted.

He took down the flag from its pole, took the buoy back to the shed, and changed into his regular clothes. As he was about to leave, he noticed a figure sat on the sand a little further away, and recognized the old woman he had seen wandering on the beach for a very long time during the afternoon. Guessing that she either just really loved the sea or was really bored, he hadn't thought much about it.

But this time, he saw that her shoulders were shaking. Immediately, he started running towards her.

"Miss, is everything okay ?"

The old woman looked up in surprise. A trail of tears was tracing down the wrinkles of her eyes and down her tanned cheeks. Her white curls floated softly in the wind, much like sea foam.

" 'Miss' ?" She smiled. "I can barely remember the last time someone called me 'miss'. But I am doing fine, thank you. You were about to leave, weren't you ? I don't want to hold you back with my old and boring stories."

Jungkook smiled and sat down next to her.

"Please do. I can't let a lady like you cry on her own, can I ?"

The old lady laughed and wiped the tears away from her gentle eyes.

"That's really kind of you," she said. "Are you sure you don't mind listening to an old woman reminiscing on her past ? I'm sure you have better things to do."

"To be completely honest, I don't. Please do tell." He insisted.

Giving in, the woman started to tell her story. She told Jungkook of her past, her childhood, and her life here, at Gimyong, beside the sea. She told him about the years she spent swimming as far as she could go, diving in the waves, letting herself be carried by the current, feeling like as long as she had the strength to move, she could have gone anywhere. The boy listened silently.

"I like to say that the sea was my first love. Back then I couldn't even imagine moving away from here and my beloved beach. And yet, recently, looking at the waves has become more and more painful. As I see how vast is the ocean, how far it stretches, I am reminded of my own weaknesses. I used to swim straight towards the horizon, chasing the sun with every stroke, fighting against the currents to prove my own worth. Now I can't even step a foot in the water, for fear that the strength of the waves would push me down, and not allow me to get up."

A tear rolled down her face, and she let it fall to disappear in the sand.

"It may seem like a futile matter to you, and I guess it is. And yet, I can't stop the tears from coming," she smiled despite the obvious ache.

Jungkook shook his head.

"Not at all. I can tell this means a lot to you."

The boy got up to his feet, looked at the setting sun above the sea, and turned back to the lady.

"Your body may not be as strong as it used to, but your love for the water still is despite the years. I sincerely admire that. I think I can help you, even if only a little bit."

Jungkook stretched out his hand, and continued.

"Do you want to take a dip in the water with me ?" He asked.

The woman's smile alone, he thought, was a good enough reason for him to have come to Gimyong.

• • •

Jungkook quickly learned that the lady's name was Go-eun, and that she was freaking adorable.

Her body was small and fragile compared to his, and yet when he helped her stand in the water, waves gently lapping her hips, she stood taller than anyone. Along the way the sun had disappeared behind the sea, but her eyes shone brighter than the star. She held Jungkook's wrists stronger than he had ever been held.

They stayed in the water for a long time ; maybe an hour, or two. He could feel the emotion pounding in her chest, and didn't let go of her for fear that her knees would be too weak. But she stood strong, facing the waves, a huge smile on her lips. With the wind blowing her hair away, the first stars starting to shine above her, she didn't seem old anymore. Just happy.

Eventually, she returned to the sand. He helped her to dry herself so she wouldn't catch a cold, and escorted her home. After walking with her arm locked in his for support, she left him on the door of her little house, with hydrangeas on the windowsill, with a smile and a hug.

sea-kissed 🌊 || j.jk+k.thWhere stories live. Discover now