Pet Human Family Part 5

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    Ryan and Billy build forts in a forest with the building blocks. Ryan's fort is up high on a hill. Billy's fort is in a clearing.  

    "I see your fort! You didn't hide it at all!" Ryan says in English. He sends his men to attack Billy's fort. 

    Billy's men hold them off with thier bows and arrows. "You stay away from our fort!" They cry.

    "Who's going to make us?" Ryan's men ask.

    "We are!" Billy's men cry.

    "You and what army?" Ryan's men demand. 

    "Boys, boys. Play something nice,"Grandma says, bringing in a plate of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. (She has her special safe pet human oven in her house that Trinoli got for her becsuse she loves to bake. There is a camera set up by it which automatically activates whenever the pets use the oven so thier owners can supervise them and keep them safe. The oven is modeled after ones from Earth. Grandma also has pet human cooking supplies modeled after the ones used on Earth. Trinoli just loves watching her little pet cook!) 

    "Oh boy! Cookies!" Ryan cries excitedly in English, grabbing a handful. Billy grabs some too.

    The cookies are still warm and gooey. They taste delicious!

    Molly's ponies bake some cupcakes in thier oven.

    "Let's have a party!" Daisy's pony cries happily in English. 

    "Yea, a party!" Molly cries happily in English. 

    The two ponies decorate for the party. Some more ponies come to join them. They play games together and eat cupcakes.   

    "This is fun!" Daisy cries happily in English while having her ponies bring presents for the party.

    Then Grandma brought the plate of cookies in for Molly and Daisy.

    "Yummy!" The little girls cry happily in English, each taking cookies.

    Polly and Tia just love playing with Tia's dollhouse. The doll family decides to go camping. They all help pack for the trip.

    The dolls go camping up in the mountains in a clearing beside a still lake. It is lunchtime when they arrive at the campsite. 

    Then Polly hears her Mother calling her. "Time for lunch Polly! Come eat!" Tiffany calls in English. 

    "I gotta go," Polly says to Tia, leaving her friend's house and running over to Grandma's house.

    Grandma made stuffed porkchops for dinner with mashed potatoes and gravy and corn on the cob. She made homemade apple pie for dessert. Everyone loves the dinner. It's delicious! 

    Grandma and Grandpa want to play a game of cards with thier family after lunch. So everyone plays two rounds, and then the kids get put down for their nap.

    The adults continue to talk and play cards while the children are asleep. They look out the window to see some unfamiliar aliens walking around outside. The aliens are following Trinoli and Bantalom to Billy's house.

 The aliens are following Trinoli and Bantalom to Billy's house

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    "What's going on?" Alex asks in English. 

    "Billy has an older brother those aliens might be interested in purchasing as thier pet," Grandpa replies in English. 

    "Oh, no! Poor Billy and Daisy!" Tiffany cries in English, upset. "I don't know what I'll do when our children reach that age!"

    "Tiffany, Honey, they'll be okay. I should think thier parents explained to them that Jacob might be moving out soon. I know it will be hard for them at first, but he will still come to stay overnight once a month just like you do when you visit us. Don't worry, Honey. They'll be fine," Tiffany's Mother gently reassures her. 

    They continue to play cards and half an hour later the aliens return with Jacob following them on a leash. They have bags containing all of thier new pet's belongings he wanted to bring.

    Many Nividian bags contain size modification technology. The way this works is that objects shrink to fit in the bag when they are placed into it and return to thier original size once removed from the bag. This is possible because of the Nividian's very advanced understanding of molecular physics which far surpasses human understanding. These are the type of bags used to hold Jacob's belongings. 

    The aliens are talking excitedly amongst themselves while Jacob is looking quite flustered at the situation he's in.

    The strangers with Trinoli and Bantalom make thier way to Tiffany's parent's house with Jacob in tow. Tiffany's father Richard goes to answer the door when they knock.

    "Ricard, are Billy and Daisy here?" Bantalom asks.

    "Yes, they are sleeping," Richard replies in Nivish. 

    "Go get them," Bantalom commands.

    "Okay, Bantalom," Richard replies in Nivish, obediently going to retrieve the children.

    Richard returns a few minutes later holding Billy and Daisy. They wake up and see thier older brother on a leash with strangers.

    "Jacob?" Daisy asks sleepily. 

    "Daisy, I'm going to move out and live with these aliens today," Jacob explains in English. 

    "Why?" Daisy asks in English. 

    "They want me to be thier pet," Jacob explains patiently in English. "So I'm going to live with them. But don't worry, I'll still come visit you."

    "Can I visit you?" Daisy asks in English. 

    "Ask the aliens, Daisy," Jacob says in English. "In their language, how they talk."

    "Daisy, Jacob? See Jacob? Come? Play?" Daisy tries hard to ask in Nivish. 

    "She's so cute!" Dlypy, one of Jacob's new owners, cries happily. "Yes, Daisy can play with Jacob. You can come," she says gently to Daisy.

    "Okay," Daisy says shyly in Nivish. 

    Billy is sad that his brother is leaving and begins to cry. 

    "Sweetie, come here," Dlypy says, gently reaching for Billy.

    "It's okay, Edward. Give Billy to Dlypy," Bantalom says.

    "Okay," Tiffany's father Richard says in Nivish as he gently hands Billy to Dlypy.

    "Billy, it's okay," Dlypy gently reassures the small human she's holding, petting him softly. "You can visit Jacob. It's okay, Sweetie. Jacob's okay." 

    The aliens gently take Billy and Daisy to thier parent's house where they say goodbye to thier older brother. Then they pay for Jacob and take him home as thier new pet.

    Jacob is to have a very good life as the pet of Dlypy and Oolops. They have prepared his own room for him at home, amd he will have his own pet human device which he can use to contact his family with whenever he wants to. Pet human devices are simple devices for humans to use which have games to play, stories and information and a sort of video telephone for the pet humans. The pet humans can also take 3-dimensional pictures with it which are like small real objects which can be felt and touched. They can only photograph what thier owners have given them permission to. Jacob will be able to visit his family at least once a month and can request places he wants to go to his owners using his pet human device. He also has all of his belongings he wanted to bring.

    Author's Note: Thank you for reading Pet Human Family! Please consider voting or commenting if you enjoyed the story. Special Pet will be updated next week.  

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