Pet Human Family Part 2

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    Dlymal and Clompal carefully pick up Alex and Tiffany out of thier highchairs and carry them to the bathroom, while Slaybol gently picks up Molly to get her cleaned up. 

    Dlymal and Clompal return for Ryan and Polly once they are finished with Tiffany and Alex. 

    Tiffany and Alex are given thier swimsuits and told to put them on. They happily obey. Slaybol changes Molly's clothes while his parents dress Ryan and Polly.

    The pets look so cute in thier swimsuits! Once they are all dressed, they are led through the portal to thier swimming pool. 

    Ryan races over to the slide, quickly climbing up the steps to it and sliding down into the swimming pool, which is at a safe depth for the pet humans. 

    Molly excitedly plays in the smaller pool with the toy sailboats. Polly goes down the slide with Ryan. Tiffany goes by Molly while Alex goes by Polly and Ryan.

    There is also a deeper pool for the aliens which the pet humans are only allowed in if they are being held by one of the aliens. There is a safety forcefield around it which permits the aliens to enter it, but does not allow pet humans to enter it unless they are being held in an alien's arms. This does not work for Nookra, because she is too young and small to be allowed to hold the pet humans. Nookra is only allowed in the pool if other aliens are in It with her. The forcefield will not admit her if no one else is in the pool. It is a very advaced forcefield with very good artificial intelligence. 

    Ryan and Polly splash around happily in thier pool while Slaybol and Nookra build a floating sandcastle together in the sandbox which is also in the pool area.

    Slaybol works hard on his spaceship landing port floating sandcastle while Nookra builds the starship out of sand. She sprinkles a powder over it once it is done to hold it together. Molly comes over to watch as Slaybol helps Nookra insert the tiny waterproof engine into the sandcastle starship.

    "What's that?" Molly asks them in English, pointing at the toy starship.

    "Molly, no! Go swim," Nookra commands sternly.

    "Okay," Molly says in English, going back to the sailboats. She knows better than to argue with the aliens because she is always punished if she does.

    "Good girl, Molly!" Nookra calls.

    Molly plays happily with the sailboats with Tiffany for fifteen minutes. Ryan and Polly search for treasures on the bottom of the other pool.  

    The sandcastle starship flies around above the pet humans. Molly sees it and picks up a sailboat, carrying it to Nookra and Slaybol. "Look at my boat!" Molly cries happily in English, showing it to them.

    "Molly, no! Go play," Nookra commands sternly. 

    "Boat!" Molly cries happily in Nivish, still trying to show them.

    "Yes, Molly. Good boat. Come here, Sweetie," Nookra says, getting up and gently taking Molly by the hand. She leads Molly back to the pool with the other sailboats in It.

    "Mommy!" Molly cries in English, upset. She doesn't want to go back to this pool. She wants to play in the sandbox.

    "Nookra, let Molly go!" Clompal orders from the alien's swimming pool. 

    "Okay, Mommy," Nookra says, letting go of Molly's hand. Molly immediately runs back to the sandbox with her sailboat.

    Molly tries to place the sailboat on the spaceship landing port on the floating sandcastle, but she can't reach it. 

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