Chapter 1

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"Brooke, wake up!" my brother yelled into my room.

My eyes darted open and they quickly skimmed over to my bedside clock.

6:32 am?!

I'm going to be late for school! I screamed in my head.

I immediately jumped out of my warm bed and threw off my pajamas.

I scrambled through my drawers looking for something to wear.

I threw on a hoodie and some jeans, then ran for my shoes.

Flustered, I finished putting on my shoes and then remembered that I hadn't even fixed my hair. I was about to turn to the hallway that led to the bathroom when my dog scratched at his food bowl, whimpering.

"Right," I said to myself, going into the kitchen and pouring some dog food into his food bowl. I patted him on the head and then my brother said, "Come on Brooke let's go."

I remembered that I hadn't even gotten my book bag.

I ran to retrieve it off of my bed. I also grabbed my phone that was conveniently sitting on the coffee table and put it in my back pocket.

Realizing the time was 6:45 am, I quickly followed my brother out the door, locking it from behind.

Luckily, I had an extra hair tie in my gym bag and quickly put my hair into a messy bun.

Oh well it's Monday anyway, I say in my head.

I finally arrived at school, and made good time too. My best friend was waiting for me outside.

I just absolutely hate it how we have to wait outside before school starts. I guess teachers are tired of babysitting students out in the hallways.

I mean, how would the teachers like it if they had to stand out in 40 degree weather for 10 minutes? Not very much I would say.

My thoughts were interrupted when my best friend, Rachel, said, "So whassup?"

"Nothing, just thinking about how incredibly stupid it is for the school to make us stand out here."

Rachel nodded her head, the expression on her face showing that she was as disappointed as I was. But maybe a little less.

More students were getting dropped off by their parents, all of us waiting out here in the cold. More students drove here themselves. Rachel and I are only sophomore, plus we don't have cars yet. Otherwise we would have drove here ourselves also.

Rachel spoke up and pointed towards the entrance. "They're letting us in."

"Thank god," I sighed. My fingers felt like icicles.

Rachel and I walked into the building and down the long hallway together until I got to my locker. She waved and kept walking because she had a locker on the far end of this long hallway.

I put my books in my locker and shoved my book bag into the tiny space. Then a boy pushes his way in between me and a girl that has a locker by me.

"Excuse me? Kind of need to talk to my girlfriend," says a familiar voice, a hint if annoyance in his voice. As if I was the one rudely barging into people, and then acting like everyone was an annoyance.

I shift my eyes up to his face to see the biggest jerk in the whole school.


The girl, who I know as the mean popular girl Megan, turns around shocked, as if she had absolutely no idea he was standing there, and cooed.

"Hey Logi," Megan said, trying her best to sound angelic.

"Hey babe," Logan said, looking around before he kissed her on the lips.

Disgusted, I gathered my things for History and slammed my locker shut, hoping that will end their little love fest.

The boys here are absolute jerks. And I don't get how girls fall for them.

Yes, I had a crush on Logan once. In eighth grade. It was such a mistake to even think that we would be compatible. But no. He is the biggest player and/or jerk in this school. But he isn't the only one. This school is filled with them.

Anger swelling up inside if me, I entered history class and long for the teacher to give us directions on what to do so I can get my mind off of everything.
Hey guys! I hope everyone enjoyed the first chapter of my first TBS fanfiction :D Speaking of Thomas.. don't worry, he will be in the story soon. By the way, he is obviously going to be younger and in this fanfiction he isn't going to be famous. Just clearing that up before anyone questions why a celebrity is going to public school.. lol
Any who, if you enjoyed, please favorite this so I can make the next chapter. Your guys' feedback is what makes me decide if I should continuing making this story.
Thanks again :)
-crankynewt (gladers_unite on IG)

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