The Fight

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Shadow's Pov

"Donaterro! Tasukete!"

Faker couldn't have moved as fast as Don did at that moment. He raced foward, bo staff swinging at the yellow-haired wall of a man. The man's grip on my sister's neck loosened as he was attacked. We all had defeated the ninjas, and stood in awe at Don's newfound power.

"Let. Her. Go!" His staff came down on the man's head, and he crumpled to the floor.

Donatello caught my sister and checked her wound. Sighing with relief, he rubbed his forehead with Moon's. He stood up and looked at us. "Come on, guys. We need to get back to the lair."


I paced back and forth outside the lab. 'She'll be fine. Tsuki has been through worse...'

Amber walked up to me, and I felt a pang of sorrow. She was like a sister to Moon and I.

"Kage? Moon'll be okay, right?"

I pulled her into a comforting hug. "Of course, Anbā." (Amber.)

Donatello opened the lab door. I searched for any trace of emotion, but it was no use. Don was in Doctor Mode. I walked into the lab and went to Moon's side.

Her eyes were open, and she weakly smiled. "Hi." She mouthed silently.

"Hey, Tsuki. How do you feel?" I asked, grasping her hand.

'Ugh, like Devil Death stepped on my neck. Is everyone alright?' She replied telepathically.

"Besides worrying about you, they're fine."

Moon sighed and looked at the ceiling. 'Raph's gonna kill me for making him leave the fight.'

I chuckled. "Not if Donatello has anything to say about it. He took down that guy choking you in one hit! Something tells me you have a Guardian Turtle."

Moon blushed.

"Moon! You're alright!" Amber, Skyla, and Star raced to her side.

She nodded. 'Hey, Kage? Can you get my Emeralds?'

I did so, and she used Chaos Heal. "Much better."

Donatello came in. "What's going on here?"

Donatello's Pov

The three hedgehogs and raccoon left silently.

"Are they always that quiet? It's kinda disturbing."

Moon laughed for the first time in three months. "Kage is, but the girls worry me. When Amber's quiet, it usually means trouble."

I sat down next to her. "Do you feel any pain?"

"None at all." She nuzzled my neck. "Thank you for saving me, Donaterro. Who was that guy, anyway?"

Fighting against a blush, I replied, "That was Hun, leader of the Purple Dragon Gang. He's no brains and all bashing."

Moon smiled and placed her head on my shoulder...

... Just as Raphael stormed in. Moon squeaked and hid behind my shell.

"Moon! Ya betta have a good excuse fer keepin' me from fightin!" He bellowed.

"Raph, calm down! You were the only one who could defend Richard and yourself at the same time!" She calmly answered my infuriated brother, despite her trembling.

I stood up and drew my bo staff. "Raph. Stop."

He gripped his sais in answer. "She owes me a fight fer that!"

"Moon is not healed, Raph."

"Tough shell, Don. What're ya gonna do 'bout it?"

I held my ground. "Hamato Raphael, you will not fight Moon."


Sorry about the late update, everyone! I had a busy weekend, and I injured my right leg to the point of tears yesterday. (For those of you who don't know me, I never cry at pain. EVER. That was the first time.) Anyway, pronounciation practice!

Tasukete: Tas you keet

Tsuki: su kie

Kage: ka jay

Anbā: an ba

Gomen' nasai for the tardiness once again! Oh, also, please check out my sister, RomanticGirl100! No more updates until I get an idea, you people see my sista, or you pm me an idea! Sayanora!

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