Dark Pasts and Deep Pains

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Donatello's Pov

Aw, shell. What did I say? I silently followed Moon and Star as the winged girl raced to the nearest manhole. Shoving it open, Moon flew to a building I knew well: Winters' old headquarters. I leapt from the rooftops, knowing that Star couldn't reach her. Moon huddled beside a gargoyle, her vision cloudy.

"Um, Moon?" I slowly walked towards the youngest hedgehog.

"Yes?" She said in monotone.

"I'm sorry for what happened in the dojo." I apologized.

Moon sighed. "It's alright. I'm just not used to anyone commenting on my prophecy. Everyone back home knew and avoided the topic. Tails, Nicole, Ross, Aqua, Duna, and Maria knew more than the others, and healed my spirit."

I sat next to her as she released her past. She had grown up a princess, become an experiment, had to deal with her family's death while stuck in a stasis tube for sixty-four years, turned into Maria and Duna's Protector, and was always the Pure Emerald. If I didn't know better, I would have thought she was lying.

But I knew better.

"I'm sorry, Moon. I had no idea." Surprising both of us, I pulled her into a hug. We spent a while there, her quietly sobbing onto my plastron, me rubbing her back.

Eventually, she fell asleep. In my arms.

'Oh, shell! I'm holding a girl!' I thought as my rational mind returned.

Ever so carefully, I picked her up and headed back to the lair.


"My, son, is she injured?" Master Splinter asked.

"No, sensi. Just asleep. I know why she behaved that way. However, it is not my story to tell."

He smiled. "You have grown up, my son."

I am on FIRE today!

Moon: *Pours a bucket of water on my head.*

Sarcastic Me: Thanks Moon

Non-sarcastic Moon: You're welcome!

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