Raids and... Death!?!?

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Amber's Pov

"Team Mobius to Team Earth. We're in position, over!" I whispered through my headset.

"Alright, girls. Who's in the room?" Leonardo asked

Skyla's red eyes glowed faintly in the dark. "About eight Techies. We can take them. We'll use our Super Forms as a last resort."

"That won't be necessary in three, two, one..."

An enraged voice boomed over the intercom "Tech Ninjas! Report to level 24 immediately!"

The said ninjas vanished.

"Thanks, guys. The Battle Shell can be fixed later, Donny." Moon added, knowing that Donatello would be upset.

We dropped into the room from each corner, approaching the Master Emerald. I grasped my yellow Emerald tightly.

"!" I heard a thud. Terror filled me as I watched Star collapse. Skyla tried to get out her tessen, but a kunai lodged itself in her throat.

Moon and I went back to back. Suddenly, my best friend was dragged into the darkness. Her body flew by the Master Emerald. I was alone. In a room. With a killer. Scared as Hell, I touched the Master Emerald. Energy surged through me, and I screamed. "Chaos Control!"

We all vanished into the lair. Pain seared through my chest. I looked down and saw a katana in my heart. My vision went dark.

April's Pov

"Guys! Get back here now!" I shrieked when I saw Amber fall.

The Emeralds turned black and stopped glowing.


*Hides behind a puppy.*

Please don't rage, hate, or flame me for killing the girls! I know it's disturbing, and upsetting, but I'm not done with this story yet!

I've noticed that my only comments come from 4 people. Come on, man! Comments make me type faster! Bye for now!

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