Chapter 5

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Sam's POV

'What a jerk. He just left me here in this room without an explanation! Now what do I do? Maybe I can use my powers to escape! Yes...let's give it a try.'

I saw a window nearby and conjured a rock from my hand and quickly threw it at the window. But instead of crashing into pieces, the window stay there like it never been touched. I guess they already knew what I would do... I guessed there was nothing else that I can do. I looked around and saw a book shelf in the corner. Wow! What a place to give a prisoner. At least, I will not die of boredom in here.

Andrian's POV

I knocked on the door and entered without waiting for the answer." Father, I had done what you wanted me to do."

"Oh it's you,son. Good job on kidnapping her...Then now it's time for me to use the machine I had invented." He replied with his usual cold voice.

"Why are you so greedy,father? You already have a powerful superpower. What else do you want?"

" You don't understand, Andrian. That girl has the power that no one had."

" And why does that matter, father? You're also a one powerful villain ,too. You know what? I don't want to be in this anymore. I'm not like you, father!"

" You know that I'll disown you if you do that! Now stop talking nonsense and get the girl!"

I'll be a stupid bloke if I send Sam to my father right now in proving I'm not a villain. So, I did what I thought the best...

Sam's POV

I was just finishing the first chapter of a book when someone burst in through the door. I quickly sat up from my position that was lying upside down on the bed and saw it was just Andrian.

"Don't you know how to knock?" I asked furiously.

" Well at least I didn't just teleport into your room ...However,It looks like you enjoy being here." he said with a smirk.

"Ugh,whatever. Anyways,what do you here for?" I said while rolling my eyes.

" Hey, this's my house. So why couldn't I enter everywhere I want?"

" I know that.But you can't just enter someone's room, idiot.Especially if it's a girl's room!"

"OK,OK,I'm sorry. Now I just wanted you to listen carefully,okay?" He said and I noticed that he looked worried." The thing is my father wants your power. He had build a machine that can absorb someone's power. He used it once just to test it, and the person he test on,died. I saw it with my own eyes and it was terrible.I don't want it to kill anyone again." After he finished saying that, I swear I saw a single tear trickled down his cheek.

" I'm so sorry for hearing that... I didn't know that you had suffered so much."

" No,it's okay. Right now, we only have to focus on how to get you out of here."

" Well, why not you just teleport us to my house?"I asked. I really missed my house,though.

" My father is a powerful villain. He had an ability to tract where I teleport myself anytime he wants. So,by teleporting you to your house,wil be a big risk." He explained that made my heart broke.

"Wow! Your father truly is powerful. Why he stills need my power, though?"

" I told him that,but he wouldn't listen. He such a greedy villain,you know." He sighed.

" Okay then. So how can we get out of here?" I asked,wishing that he would say that there are secret passageways or something in this house.

" I think,I got a plan."

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