6 - D.A.B.D.A

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Katsuki raised his stance too, bringing his fists up to create a semi-decent defense. He didn't have anywhere near enough knowledge to create a sturdy fighting stance other than raising his arms up and raising his torso up high, he was only an undisciplined street fighter that had only ever knocked out a couple kids.

He glared up at Izuku, trying to regain some sort of pride. Some sort of power over his emotions.

Shuffling a reluctant foot, Katsuki got himself ready to charge at the green-haired mystery full-force. He saw Izuku flash a sort of... Reminiscent grin. Though puzzling, Katsuki didn't dare waste time analysing the facial expression, he wanted to win.

He ran at Izuku, a few meters away, fist raised high, attempting to land a reckless punch.

As though it was as natural as breathing, the freckled one stepped out of the way, seeing Katsuki falter a little, then threw a quirkless punch to his side. The reason he didn't charge it with his new found quirk was that he didn't want to rupture the poor guy's organs; Izuku had changed, yes, but he didn't completely turn into a monster.

'Yes, I changed, Kacchan' Izuku thought to himself as he watched the other buckle and keel over, growling breathlessly before he readied a kick, 'You have too. Why haven't you figured it out yet?'  Izuku blocked the kick with his arm before providing some sort of distance between them.

'The Kacchan I knew was smart, funny, he was independent, he was strong' Izuku visibly frowned at the memory of the old Katsuki. He wanted to go back, he had known that since the incident, but he couldn't find a way out of the deal. 'The old Kacchan would've known what to do. I want him back. This Kacchan's different, he's...'


'Like me--'

Izuku was quickly thrown out of his thoughts as he felt a swift blow to his side. He stumbled a little with a groan, looking up and seeing Katsuki with a large grin. From the position his leg had been tweaked into, the freckled one realised that he must've been kicked again, he was spaced out and defenseless - it didn't take a genius to take that chance.

But it did take a coward.

'The old Kacchan would've never attacked somebody defenseless.'

'This Kacchan's not like the old Kacchan.'

'I don't like the new Kacchan.'

Izuku proceeded to readjust his stance, he was steadying his feet and sharpening his mind.

Yet Katsuki landed another punch...

And another...

And another...


Katsuki had never felt such a rush of adrenaline. He realised that he had the advantage for once. Upon seeing Izuku's sudden vulnerability, he wasted no time in taking the opportunity to through his punches harder and harder, never letting the other take a break to compose himself.

Although this was the equivalent to button mashing in a video game with no cooldowns, he didn't think twice about the pettiness of the actions. He didn't care, all he wanted was to cause hurt.

'You had this coming for a long time, Izuku.'

'You talk about me like I hurt you, but when? When was I even allowed to look you in the eye without getting my ass beat behind the school by you and your little posse?'

'... Bullshit.'

Katsuki made sure every punch was going to leave a bruise, no doubt about it. With his constant hits, he didn't even notice that he was backing him into the corner.

"Baka-gou" Izuku groaned as he felt his injuries starting to ache. He was punched into a corner within the matter of seconds. What a turn of events! Yet he knew what the problem was.

Eyes as sharp as daggers, his thoughts buried in the back of his mind, safe from interrupting the fight once again. His words resonated deep within Katsuki, shaking him from his high-horse and making him falter again,

"I'm not holding back anymore."

Katsuki's brows furrowed, "Wha-"

Within mere moments, Katsuki was curled up into the ground, clutching his stomach hard. Breathless, dizzy, sick, his world was spinning. Nothing could really describe the pain he was in. This punch was far stronger than any he had felt from this guy before, it was alike a quirk had hit him straight in his abdomen.

Looking up from the floor, Katsuki saw Izuku look down at him for a second, an... Aura, no, energy surrounding his purple-coloured fist.

His vision began to dot with black, his lips dripping with red liquid. His eyes became clouded with darkness as he felt his consciousness slip away from him, only his sense of sound was usable.

"Kacchan!" He heard Izuku call out, 'That damn nickname... Cut it out already, bastard...'

Katsuki passed out, fetal on the cold, dusty, concrete floor.

Izuku was quick to drop to his knees, cradling the boy. He wasn't meant to do that, he wasn't meant to injure him so badly. He wasn't meaning to do all of this. He wasn't meant to turn Katsuki into such a... An... An Izuku, per se.

That was when they walked in.

The person.

Izuku looked up at the paradoxical being he talked to in class earlier that day.

"Hello, Izuku." They spoke in no discernable accent.

Izuku scowled, picking Katsuki up and resting him onto his shoulder.

"What do you want?!" He barked, staring that... Thing, down.

"Oh, Izuku. You've messed up this time, haven't you?" The person spoke, apathetic yet empathetic at the same time. It continued, "You know that you weren't to reveal your new Quirk until your and Katsuki Bakugou's acceptance into UA, don't you?"

Izuku glared, "Fuck you."

The person showed both a grin and an offended expression, "You know that you can't do anything to help Katsuki now, don't you?

"Take him to hospital and All Might is bound to find out.

"Leave him here and he'll die.

"I'll tend to his wounds myse-" Izuku blurted out, lifting Katsuki's shirt to gaze at the damage, realising what he really did.

"His stomach has been ruptured, Izuku. He's going to die without proper medical attention."

"N-no..." Izuku whimpered, cradling the poor boy.

He had really fucked up this time...

A/N: I ttoooootttaalllly know how this story's gonna play out.
I ttoooootttaalllly didn't make stuff up
Nope, mhm, I'm a good boi who thinks before they type shi-
Nah, just kidding, I know how stuff's gonna go, I'm just tryna find the right words to put the plot into.
Eh, sorry if it doesn't make sense yet, it'll all be explained in the next chapter...

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