5 - Acceptance

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No, seriously tho, thank you, to whoever decided to read this update about 4 months later. I'm losing a lot of time lately, so, it feels like yesterday that I wrote this story.
Thanks guys.

Katsuki stalked through the streets in the night. His thoughts were blocked out by a strong desire to win, and he completely built a wall between his mind and the thought of his mother calling the authorities, hysterical as she tries to tell them that her son is going to run away.
   Nevertheless, he made his way to the warehouse completely fine, a couple of wrong turns made him a few minutes late, but he hoped Izuku would have done the same thing.

   In the quiet of the night, the 'entrance' to the warehouse seemed quite eerie. At the back of a large housing estate, next to a long line of train tracks, the warehouse sat uninhabited and partially rusted. The entrance was a large hole in some chain-link fencing, the singular, metal trespassing sign was partially bent from the same chain-link fence, a symbol to how neglected this place became over the years of lonlieness.

   This particular warehouse wasn't the best - nor the most popular - to stage juvenile fights in, the falling debris and messy 'stage' was too distracting. However, due to the fact that it was (hopefully) only two people, it shouldn't be too much of a problem.

   The warehouse had a large, gaping hole within the roof, directly underneath the full moon, so lighting wasn't a problem.

   As Katsuki looked at the surroundings and the scenery, he took in the hot, urban mess. Gulping audibly, he lifted the fence up a little and ducked his decent-sized frame underneath the sharp metal. As he approached the large, metal doors, he gripped one of them, slightly ajar, and pushed all of his weight onto the door, having to let out a small heave as the heavy door groaned.

   The mess of the interior was covered in a thick coating of dust and dirt that made your eyes squint and your nose twitch with a tickle. He coughed a little and saw the old, abandoned construction materials that piled into the corner from the company that owned this warehouse last. A couple of long, temporary steel poles held up the withering roof as broken glass littered the floor near the shattered windows.

   The main attraction stood, leaning on a steel pole. As soon as Katsuki opened the door and slipped his way inside, he and Izuku made eye contact. Izuku's eyes seemed to be laced with a slight smugness - as per usual - yet a slight hesitance. He wasn't sure what it was, and it may have just been his imagination, yet it seemed real.

"Izuku..." Katsuki growled, showing no hesitation, no relent, no regret, only determination. Only anger. That was what fueled him.

"... Katsu-... Baka-gou," Izuku corrected himself. He didn't want to lose that power he held over Katsuki, that power he called 'Fear'.

When he thought about it, fear was a splendor of a power. If somebody was to take it and harness it in its rawest, purest form, one could rule the entire Earth - no questions asked. That was why Izuku craved it, he wanted everything to go his way, all because of his ability to invoke that pure fear in the ash-blonde.

He pushed himself up off of the pole, placing a hand against it to comfortably laze against it. Despite his relaxed posture, his eyes seemed tense. He spoke in that bittersweet voice, "You sure you wanna do this, Baka-gou?" He didn't flash that smug smirk this time, just staring into those deep, crimson eyes with his own jaded green ones.

Katsuki snarled, "You speak like you're gonna tear me to shreds, asshole," He was almost scared to say his next sentence, but, he had no other chance to use this insult before. He flashed a smug grin this time, "What can a quirkless disabled kid like you do?"


Izuku looked up at the other, motionless, not even daring to breathe. This is why I do this, Kaccha-- Baka-gou... He thought for a moment.

A long, deep, heavy moment of silence chilled the air around them, and Katsuki's smile dropped. Oh, how did he regret it... He had only seen such an emotionless stance a handful of times in his life. He was luckily always swept way by a teacher or another classmate just before any regrettable decisions were made. Always saved by the bell...

Not this time.

Izuku snapped out of his blank look, maintaining their eye contact and monotone expression while he grabbed onto the pole. What he did next truly scared Katsuki.

His bare hand wrapped around the steel pole, slowly, finger by finger, tightening his grip. He recklessly twisted his wrist, bending and twisting the rusted steel pole. With one quick SNAP, Izuku bent it so put of shape that it looked like a twisted soda can, and his wrist began turning a dark shade of purple. He spoke, "What did you say, Kacch-" He corrected himself once again, "Baka-gou?"

Katsuki felt his gut contort like a gymnast was flipping inside of him. He gulped, "H-how-?"

"We all change, Baka-gou," Izuku let his bruised wrist go off of the pole, stuffing that hand into his pocket. He used his free hand to shrug and detail his point with gestures, "Sure, I'm a little deaf, but I am not quirkless anymore." He chuckled a little, trying to distract himself from his hysterical frustration.

"W-what do you mean, Midoriya?" Katsuki had a habit of using his maiden name whenever he felt like he needed to show respect, or, well, when he felt he needed to calm Izuku down. A pathetic attempt to appease the other’s lust for power over him. He kicked himself for it, wanting to erase his submissive nature and began to snarl at the other - mimicking a defensive dog. "You can't just suddenly have a quirk out of nowhere!"

Izuku smiled, "Ohoho, Baka-gou," He took his hands out of his pockets and raised them in a 'boxer' defensive stance. He rearranged his feet position and looked at the other lowly, "Well, let's find out,

"Shall we?"

Short update, I'm sorry, but I'm already working on the next chapter. It'll be up by next Friday, and I'll be uploading on a weekly basis once again.

Dear, BAKA-gou (BNHA AU) (DISCONTINUED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora