We Need To Talk

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Merlin sprinted off after his friends, not stopping until they all reached safety, hidden within the deep forest. He ached all over and breathing felt like stabbing himself in the chest. He could hear the heavy breathing of his friends. He knew they were all staring at him. It wasn't hard to understand why, but the pain from the torture he had experienced began to take its toll on him. His neck felt as if it was still burning, like flames were licking his skin.

"Wow..." Gwaine breathed, smiling, but not with his usual smile. "I never knew you had that in you, Merlin." There was wonder, disbelief and maybe most of all admiration in his eyes.

Merlin still didn't have enough air - or strength - to answer. He took a look around, realizing what he had done. He was no longer Merlin, servant to the king. He was Merlin, the sorcerer. He could see it in their eyes. The way they looked at him had changed. He saw amazement, confusion, disbelief and - just as he had expected - anger. The king eyed him with an uncomfortable stare. Merlin had rarely seen him this angry and therefore knew what was about to happen...

"Is anyone hurt?" Merlin asked quietly, trying to avoid the disaster from happening even though he knew it was unavoidable. He tried to fight the urge to give up. It felt like his body was about to collapse, but he fought to stay standing.

No one answered his question.

"I take that as a no, then." He nodded to himself, trying to make up some kind of plan. Camelot was possessed by evil. The citadel no longer housed a mighty king with loyal servants, but instead two insane sorceresses that did the place no good.

"Morgana has to be stopped," Merlin told his friends. "And I'll gladly do it myself if I have to. She can't be allowed to continue." He searched for support, but again no one answered. "I am sorry to shock you in this manner. Truly. And I hope one day you will be able to forgive me. Until then..." For one last time he looked upon them all as goodbye, then turning to do his bit to save Camelot.

"One more step and you are dead," threatened a voice, pointing a cold sword at Merlin's back. The king circled to face him with a face full of frustration and sadness - but most of all, anger. Merlin dared not speak. He knew Arthur might just do something he'd regret.

Arthur was almost shaking with anger. "I don't understand this," he said. "I don't understand anything. I trusted you, I allowed you to be my servant... YOU LIED TO ME, MERLIN!" The Earth was shaking under the wrath within Arthur's words. "WHY?"

"Arthur..." For the first time since the revelation, Gwen spoke. She reached out to put her hand on the shoulder of her beloved, but he shook it off.

"Don't!" he said, trying to sound firm and strong like any real king should. He looked Merlin in the eyes. "You better have a very good explanation as to why I shouldn't kill you where you stand."

"Arthur," Merlin began, holding up his hands in surrender. "I have tried to find the right time to tell you. I am sorry that you had to find out about it this way. Truly."

"NO!" the king snapped. "My father was right! No one can be trusted - not even the people you call  friends!" He removed his sword from Merlin's back. "Get out of my sight! NOW!"

"I can't do that." Merlin knew this was a bad idea - but there were bigger things to worry about now. "I won't. Camelot is my home too and I'll fight for it until the end if I have to. With or without your blessing, Arthur."

The King glared at him in disbelief. "Why would you want to save a kingdom with a death penalty to those of your kind??"

Suddenly it wasn't just Arthur's temper that was put to the test. "Because I am NOT Morgana! She uses dark magic - I don't and I never have! Besides, I still think of Camelot as my home whether you like it or not! Arthur, in all your time as king, I have never seen you execute a single sorcerer! I do - more than you can possibly grasp at this moment - believe in the future you are building. I would sacrifice my life for that."

Arthur looked at Merlin with an angry, yet heartbroken expression. "Then why have all the sorcerers I've meet tried to kill either me or my father? That doesn't seem like good people to me!"

"They haven't all done that." Merlin frowned. "After all, Arthur, no one chooses their destiny. I certainly didn't choose to serve under such a lopsided dollop head and put up with all his ridiculous mood swings, just because he wears a crown on his head! This job as your servant was given to me one night where your life was in danger and I was able to save it because of my magic. Despite your anger, Arthur I don't regret that decision. Nor will I ever."

Arthur scoffed. "Really? And does that mean you've saved me from harm? Protected me from evil?" Arthur's voice had a sharp ironic tone to it.

Merlin didn't blink as he answered. "I cannot count the times I've saved your life, Arthur Pendragon." Merlin's voice was full of hurt and disappointment. "But I hope you will understand someday." 

"Camelot is not your home," Arthur sneered. "You're not welcome!"

Merlin fought against his own anger. "Your father's death has blinded you to see only the evil in magic," he said and Arthur tried to attack, but the knights held him back. "I will prove to you that that isn't true. Magic can be used for good!" Merlin took one more look at Arthur, who was fighting to break free of Percival's grip. Then Merlin turned to leave.


"TO SAVE YOUR BLOODY KINGDOM!!" Merlin screamed back, marching away, not looking back at his still stunned friends.

"ARRRGGHH!!" Arthur kicked a tree, making it tremble under his rage. His thoughts were going round and round, making him tired and disorientated. It was all too much for him. He felt Gwen's arms go around him, but he didn't turn to face her. He just stood there, thinking about absolutely nothing. 

None of them spoke for the first few minutes. There were too many thoughts in their heads, too many questions to be asked. Gwen tried to get Arthur to calm down.

"He can't do it alone, Arthur," she then told him, quietly. "He'll need help..."

"I think he's been doing just fine without me," sounded Arthur's answer. Apparently, it wasn't going to be easy to make him see past his anger. "I don't want to see his face ever again!" Gwen tried to convince Arthur that Camelot's future were at stake, but the king seemed to be blown completely off course by Merlin's secret.

Gwaine, Elyan and Percival looked at each other. "Gwen's right. We can't just feed him to the wolves," Gwaine said. "We need the little bugger - and he needs us."

Percival and Elyan nodded. "Indeed." They turned towards Gwen and Arthur. "With your permission, Sire, we shall go back with him," said Elyan, as Percival and Gwaine went to stand by his side. Arthur took a look at his three knights. Somewhere deep down Arthur knew that. Still he couldn't make himself say or do anything. He just stared at them, feeling torn between anger and agreement.

"Arthur?" asked Gwen, trying to catch his distant gaze.

Arthur frowned. It struck him that he was just sitting here while Camelot was in need. Wasn't it his responsibility to make sure the kingdom was safe and secure? He had to do something. The King drew out his sword and without any further argument; he began the journey back to Camelot. He could always deal with Merlin later...

"'Glad you're coming with us," Gwaine said as he and the two other knights drew out their swords.

"Oh, seriously Gwaine, stop talking now," said Gwen, shaking her head. They walked quickly through the forest, hearing nothing but the tweeting of birds and the whooshing of leaves, being carried around by the wind.

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